Chapter Sixteen

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14. A New Life

Magdelena smiled at Merlin as he entered the chambers of Gaius, the two were currently working on some regulars medicine for the next day. Gaius leaves her to finish up the medicine while he begins to make supper for the two of them, Magdelena joins Merlin at the table while Gaius serves the three of them, still a new action neither were used to. Magdelena sits waiting for someone to start the conversation on the egg, "Shame about the egg."

"Yes," Merlin says though you can tell with how he was saying it he was hiding something and was nearly bursting at the seems to tell them.

Maggie furrows her brows slightly sad at the news, "You weren't able to save it?"

"No," Merlin says before Gaius and him share a look and a grin breaks out on his face. He quickly rushes to show them the dragon egg that was currently in his possession; running to his room and back with the bag in his hands.

"All the jewels, all the treasures, Gaius, they don't compare," Merlin says pulling it out of the leather bag he had Magdelena stares at it in awe smiling at the sight, wondering how happy Kilgarrah and their father would be to learn there was another dragon in the world. 

"And it was nearly lost because of you," Gaius points out while Merlin hands it to him as he exams it slightly.

"I'm sorry, Gaius. I was too quick to act."

"You have to think things through. Ashkanar did exactly that. He had the foresight to conceal this for more than four hundred years. And now it's down to you, Merlin," Gaius says holding the egg out to Merlin who then holds it out to Magdelena who smiles holding it gently like one would a child, "For you to decide what you intend to do with it."

"I thought about that. I'm going to make sure it goes back to where it belongs," Magdelena smiled knowing he was going to give it to Kilgarrah to care for it, "Sorry Maggie but Arthur has been demanding me to send you to see him since we arrived at the gates of Camelot."

"Well I'm still fuming," she snaps his words running through her head once more, "I mean who does he think he is telling me what to do like he's my father."

"He is the King and your future husband," Gaius points out making the two siblings look at the older man in shock, "Please I may be old but I am not stupid. Everyone in Camelot probably knows how you two feel about each other."

"I'll see him tomorrow morning. That way I'm not doing what he wants but he won't annoy you too much Merlin," Magdelena says smiling proud of her choice in actions, "So how can I please come with you to see Kilgarrah? I haven't seen him in ages, and I miss the cryptic bronze dragon."

Magdelena and Merlin snuck out of Camelot toward the forest to a place where Kilgarrah could land but no one would catch them. As he lands he smiles at the egg which was currently in Magdelena's arms she had refused to let it go.

"You are no longer the last of your kind," Merlin says while Magdelena goes to place the egg on a nearby stump feeling like a fool holding the egg as if it was her child.

Kilgharrah lets out a deep chuckle, "It would seem not."

"When will it hatch?" Magdelena asks looking from the egg toward the dragon who seemed to be very pleased with not being the last of his kind and having more kin to be with.

"Young dragons were called into the world by the dragonlords. Only they had the power to summon them from the egg, " his deep voice was always a calming sound to Magdelena no matter how many times she heard it, "As the last dragonlord, this solemn duty falls to you, Merlin."

"How do I summon it?"

"You must give the dragon a name." 

"Aithusa," Merlin says and suddenly the egg cracks, moving as the dragon tries to break free completely Magdelena smiled at the white dragon who was beautiful to see in colors. 

"A white dragon is, indeed, a rare thing and fitting," Magdelena looks away from the baby dragon to stare at Magdelena slightly confused, "For, in the dragon tongue, you named him after the light of the sun. No dragon birth is without meaning." Kilgarrah watched the dragon with the two siblings as it continued to break the egg more and more, "Sometimes the meaning is hard to see, but this time I believe it is clear. The white dragon bodes well for Albion, for you and Arthur, and for the land that you will build together."

"Speaking of Arthur, how does it go between you two? I have heard and seen many things about you two," he admits she frowns at the mention of her and Arthur their fight still fresh in her mind.

"They had a bad fight the other night," Merlin answers for her, "I don't think she wants to think about him at the moment." 

Kilgharrah chuckles at the warlock's words looking back at the young woman, "Just remember dear Maggie he was born in the palace by his father with no mother to teach him," she stares at him confused, "He doesn't know what it is like to have a woman ready to fight by him and for him, he is used to women who only want to gossip with other woman and buy expensive things. Don't blame him too much for his words."

"You crafty dragon," she says shaking her head, "I plan to speak to him tomorrow when I have had time to calm down from the fight. And so I am not doing what he is asking to prove my point." 

"I also sense a lost of power from you, Callieach seems to now be gone and in her place a dog," he says looking at the once powerful being of Death, "You are not mortal and human."

"It was a price worth paying if it meant no one had to die," Magdelena says squaring her shoulders, ready to stand by her decision to the end. 

"A brave choice to make young one," the dragon says, "Though I feel your destiny has plans for you, Magdelena." 

The three of them turn toward the white dragon baby Aithusa as she break from the egg fully showing the beautiful white skin that was glowing in the moonlight. Not long after she broke free the two dragons took off flying away Kilgharrah helping the younger one to stay in the air and fly straight. Merlin and Magdelena began to make their way back into the town, silent as their thoughts raced through what was happening and what had happened and what would happen. 

They entered the chambers not shocked to find Gaius was still awake and working but shocked to find Arthur sitting on the table watching Gaius in a daze while he worked, "Is there a reason Arthur is currently in the chambers watching you work Gaius?" Merlin asks making both males snap their heads toward the two newcomers. 

"I was waiting for Mags. Since she didn't come to me I thought I would come to her," Arthur says smiling as he stands, "Can we take a walk?"

"You want to take a walk in the middle of the night when you will be woken up at normal time tomorrow by Merlin?" she asks raising an eyebrow at him, "I think we should wait until tomorrow, get some sleep I'll come see you first thing in the morning."

"No, I think we should talk now," he says blue eyes met her ember eyes and she saw the hurt, worry, and sadness in his eyes making her slightly confused. She motioned with her head toward the door and he walked out her following behind him sending a slightly worried glance over her shoulder to Gaius and Merlin.

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