11th Floor

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Brad works on the 11th floor of a high-rise building with 2 floors of basement parking, and he has heard the stories about his floor. About the lady in white that appears just before the sun comes out, the weird sounds you hear when you're inside the viewing room, and the case of the disappearing food.

The last one, Brad has already attributed to the rat infestation. But the other two? Those he won't believe until he's actually seen or heard them. After all, in these day and age, who even believes in the supernatural. Right?

Brad is the type to go to the office early, and leave early too. Every morning, he would ride the elevator up to their office, log on their attendance sheet outside, and proceed to his work station. And every morning, he would notice that the elevator doors take a while before they would close--after he already exited.

There is one other person who arrives at the office early; a network person in charge of the office internet. Brad doesn't know his name, but he knows that that person works on the 12th floor. Or 14th. The building doesn't have a 13th floor because of silly superstitions.

During one of the times they ride the elevator together, Brad notices that the networking person would cower in a corner throughout their whole elevator ride. But as soon as Brad leaves the elevator, on the 11th floor, the person would move towards the elevator controls--but not immediately close the doors.

One time, Brad had to come in late for work. He takes the elevator and rides up to the 11th floor--and notices that the doors immediately closes as soon as he steps off. Something he finds really weird but he writes it off as one of those unexplainable things.

That night, being the only one left at the office for the first time, Brad decides to leave regardless of not being able to complete his hours. Just because he doesn't believe in ghosts doesn't mean he doesn't get creeped out by an empty office.

He takes the elevator. The network person he usually sees in the morning is there, cowering on the corner. Brad's curiosity is piqued. He checks the controls to see that the button for the ground floor is already pressed--but before he could press the close button for the doors, something in the corner of his eye catches his attention.

There's a mirror at the back of the elevator, and Brad swears he saw something move--other than him and the network person, that is. But it wasn't there anymore. The doors are still open yet Brad is beginning to feel a little claustrophobic.

It feels as if the elevator is full. Crowded.

Brad sees the networking person looking at him. Telling him with a gaze not to touch the controls. So Brad doesn't.

The doors close, and the elevator begins its descent. The feeling of claustrophobia grows stronger. Brad takes another look at the network person. He is shaking his head. The elevator lurches, causing the overhead light to flicker. And for one millisecond, Brad sees the elevator full of people. All looking at him.

And then the doors open.


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