Every Four Years

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"Take care not to get your head turned by a woman," Patrick's mom warned as he got inside his van, ready for the road trip to visit his dad in Manila. He was 19. Of course he was going to get his head turned. Patrick laughed at his mom's goodbye as she leaned inside his car, through the window, to give him one last peck in the cheek.

"You take care, mi hijo."

"You too, Ma."

It's funny how this is what Patrick remembers now, trapped in the pink haze of a strange Malate–where, his dad told him, he was about to go through a rite of passage.

"Is this really necessary?" Patrick asked his father who was perusing a black binder beside him.

"You're what? 19 now? It's time to be a man, Pat."

Patrick shook his head in disbelief. Turning away from his dad to look at the shoddy interiors of the place where his dad had taken him. Glittering balls of broken mirrors hung from a ceiling that was close to collapsing. Disco lights flickered from overuse as much as from the timer attached to them, to accompany the beat of a tired set of speakers. And then there were the girls.

From inside the viewing room, they could not see him–but he could study them. They were supposedly his age, but they looked older; their make-up and the way they dress maturing them. Patrick guesses it's to draw customers in, but he only felt sorry for them.

He doesn't know if he can do what his dad expects him to do.

"Did you bring protection?"

Patrick rolled his eyes at his dad's late reminder. But he nodded. Of course he brought protection. He's heard the stories. His dad's stories. He knew what he was getting himself into tonight. He's well-prepared.

"It's not like how it is in the movies. Your first time will be a little... messy."

Patrick knew that too. He could feel his throat drying up, with excitement and trepidation fighting control over his insides.

"Here she comes. You know what to do."

Patrick's dad stood up, clapping him in the back before exiting the private room they paid for. The girl that came in spared him an appraising glance before her eyes zoomed in on Patrick. And his nerves.

"First time mo, 'no?" She drawled, a smile playing on the corner of her lips that was painted blood red. The girl offered a hand, "Candy."

Patrick took the hand Candy offered, and shook it. The girl laughed.

"You were supposed to kiss it."

His dad warned him about that.

"Go on."

Patrick was still holding her hand.

"Kiss it."

"Take care not to get your head turned by a woman," Patrick could hear his mother's warning. Loudly. Inside his head. Even with the pulse-pounding beat that was being screeched by the too old-sound system.

He brought her hand close to his lips.

"You'll do everything I say." It was soft. Like a whisper. But Patrick heard it. That was his cue to bring out his ceremonial knife with his other hand--which he then brought up to stab the hand he was still holding.

Except the knife stabbed his own hand instead.

The girl had acted quickly. She was already backing away. Back to the door. Which Patrick's dad was guarding from the outside.

"Sino ka?" The girl growled, her voice deep. Betraying the image of a nubile woman she was trying to project. "Anong alam mo?"

His dad warned him not to converse. Not to listen. Girls like her... They have a way with words.

Patrick's dad forgot to warn him about the part where they're stronger than they appear.

"Magsalita ka!" The girl, or whatever it was masquerading as a girl, pounced on him. Snarling. She swatted Patrick's knife away, and she proceeded to pound at him.

"Dad!" Patrick managed to choke out in between the girl's beatings.

"Hindi ka niya maririnig." His adversary put one foot on his chest, keeping him in place as she turned to look for the knife he lost. "Malakas ang kapangyarihan namin ngayon."

That's when Patrick realized he wasn't leaving this room. Not alive, anyway. The girl spotted Patrick's knife under the couch that had been bolted on the wall. She smiled. And then she put her hands on either side of Patrick's face.

"Leap year ngayon, 'Toy."

And then she turned Patrick's head. Forcibly.


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