XVIII. ❝Adore, I need a bad idea❞

Start from the beginning

"I'm doing the best I can, Rosie, I just need longer, you don't understand what they'll do to us for this! This is treason" Regulus whispers, his voice harsh.

"You need to speed it up, now come on, we're late" Rosalyn states, looping her arm through Regulus'.


Rosalyn kept her arm looped through Evan's, Sirius at her left side, their hands intertwined. The children of The Sacred 28 seated to the left of the isle, the parents at the right. At the front a stage full of red, black and white roses.

The confirmation of marriages has already begun and Rosalyn couldn't help the shaking of her leg, "I now call to the stage, Bellatrix Black, daughter of Cygnus Black III and Rodolphus Lestrange, son of Fraidfel Lestrange" Natalia Greywork calls out.

Rosalyn's grip on Sirius' hand tightens, he squeezes back just as hard, it's hard to watch Bellatrix walk through the aisle, til she takes her place across from Rodolphus.

"In front of the Ministry and family, we are here to witness the confirmation of Bellatrix Black and Rodolphus Lestrange, the two shall marry on the second week of October, Rodolphus you may take a rose" Natalia orders, all watch with anticipation as Rodolphus takes a black rose.

"A black rose for a Black sister" He chuckles, passing the rose to Natalia.

Natalia closes her eyes, as the rose soars into the air, gold rains down on the betrothed, their hands wrapped in each other. The magic dies down as the couple now returns to their seats.

"Sirius Orion Black, son of Orion Black and Athena Nora Greengrass, daughter of Jakoby Greengrass" Natalia calls out, Rosalyn struggles to let go off Sirius' hand, tears well in her eyes as he forces her too.

Her grip on Evan tightens as she watches her cousin weave through the crowd, until he arrives at the front and he takes her hands.

Sirius' heart is pounding and he doesn't even realise he isn't listening until Natalia repeats his name, "Sorry?" He stutters - Rosalyn can hear Orion tut.

"Take a rose, Mr Black" Natalia orders, with sweaty palms he does so, accidentally slicing his finger against the thorn, he places the white rose into Natalia's hand.

Silver rains on both Sirius and Athena, as the girl smiles brightly, Sirius gives her a small one back, after all it wasn't her fault.

"Rosalyn Adore Adelina Black, daughter of Cygnus Black III and Thomas Riddle Junior and Evan Alexavier Rosier, son of Alistair Rosier Senior" Natalia declares.

Rosalyn doesn't move, it feels like minutes but it's only seconds, Evan drops her hand as he stands, a smile bright on his face as he makes his way forward. This is it, holy shit, this is it, he thinks to himself.

With a nudge from Marlene, Rosalyn stands, smoothing down her silk dress as she does, she's slow to take her place at the stage, but her nerves seem to calm as she looks at Evan, who offers a re-assuring smile.

"You'll never hurt me, will you?"

Silence echos the hall, but Rosalyn doesn't notice as she stares up at him, "Rosie, I would never do such a thing" He takes her hands, bringing them up to his lips to place a kiss on her palms.

"In front of the Ministry and family, we are here to witness the confirmation of Rosalyn Adore Adelina Black and Evan Alexavier Rosier, the two shall marry on the first week of October" Natalia calls out, Rosalyn takes a deep breathe, her eyes frantically searching Evan's blue.

The door slams open, but she doesn't notice, her eyes are to fixated on Evan, her sweet, sweet, Evan.


James. James, oh Merlin, James, Rosalyn's hands drop from Evan as she looks at him, "James" she whispers.

He stands in his suit, glasses shining in the light, Fleamont and Euphemia at his side, "Get them out of here!" Evan orders, his voice harsh.

"We are as much Sacred as the rest of you!" Euphemia bites back, Rosalyn steps closer to James, her eyes not leaving his caramel toned.

"James" she repeats, reaching out to touch him, Merlin, I hope he's real.

"I'm here, Adore, I told you to wait and here I am, in front of all, asking you, begging you, please don't do this, if you need to marry, fine! But marry me instead" James speaks, running a hand through her hair, tears begging swelling in his eyes, "Marry me instead" He whispers.

Rosalyn can't speak, tears fall down her face as she stares at the brave Gryffindor in front of her, it's like nobody dares, nobody knows what to say.

"You expect my daughter to mother your bastard, son of a whore, mudblood carrying child as your wife?" The dark lord shouts, his voice causing the walls to shake.

"Father, enough, please!" Rosalyn cries out, he retaliates by slapping her across the cheek.

"Don't touch her!" Evan growls, taking a step towards the three.

"Remember who I am, father! I am the daughter of you and Adelina, I was raised by the noble Black's, I am the best spell caster of this generation! You may be my father but do not make an enemy of me" Rosalyn spits, she claws at her hair.

Rosalyn begins to walk away as James grabs her arm, "Adore please! I can save you from this political alignment" he cries out.

"It's not just some political alignment, James, I care about Evan!" She yells, tears streaming down her face.

"Bullshit! Come on, I can take all this pain away and leave your reputation still in tact, I can take you from this darkness, Merlin! Let me be the light!" James screams, as Rosalyn scoffs.

"It's a bad idea, James! You have a child on the way, who are you kidding? This would never work-"

"We can make this work, Adore, plea-"

"I'm in love with him, James!" Rosalyn declares, her hand covering her mouth soon after.

"Your lying, you've gotta be, come on, Adore, I need a bad idea"


"I need a bad idea, please, Adore-"

Rosalyn turns away, her heart racing as she rushes herself into Evan's arms, the older boy wraps his arms securely around her, placing a kiss on her forehead, "I've got you, my Rosie, I've got you" he whispers.

"Come on, Mate, we should go" Sirius slaps James on the back, pulling him into a hug.

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