Chapter 25: ... At My Friends

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He heard the familiar shrill noise of lightning striking around him as he walked through the fortress. The hallways were illuminated by newly installed lights but were empty of anyone but him. His footsteps echoed in the endless structure around him. He made his way to the throne room where he saw the Sith throne in all its intimidating glory. On it sat Rey, her features illuminated by the red glow of her lightsaber. "Did you come back to say you forgive me? To save my soul?" Rey mocked, rising to her feet as Ben continued to walk forward. "No." He answered simply.

"You came to tell me to stop my attack, haven't you? To trick me into letting my guard down so you can kill me?" She questioned as she descended the steps to her throne and walked towards Ben, her saber turning off as she walked. "No." He repeated, igniting the cracked energy from his lightsaber. "It's a shame you lost sight of who you are, we could have been such great rulers." Rey frowned, her voice pitiful as her eyes glinted with hate. "I could say the same to you." Ben continued to walk to her until their bodies were almost touching. They stood toe to toe, just looking at each other.

"I want you to join me, Rey. Come home and end this." Ben said softly. "Rey is gone." She growled. "She was weak and foolish, like her parents. So I destroyed her." She continued. Ben shook his head. "That's what Palpatine wants you to believe, but it's not true. That Rey is still alive." Ben calmly said. "No," Rey began, "Palpatine was wise." Ben fought the urge to reach out to her. "No, he's using you for your power. When he finds enough strength he will crush you. You know it's true." He argued. Rey's eyes began to fill with tears. "It's too late." She whispered.

"No it's not. Leave here with me. Come home. We miss you. I miss you." He begged. Ben retracted his lightsaber blade back into its handle as Rey's tears began to spill over, her eyes searching his intensely. "I'm being torn apart. I want to be free of this pain... I know what I have to do but I don't know if I have the strength to do it." Her voice was shaky as tears trailed down her cheeks. "Will you help me?" She whispered. "Yes. Anything." He murmured.

Rey stood there silently for a few moments, just staring at the man before her. His eyes never left hers, showing all the love and sincerity he could. She knew he loved her, and she loved him. But that was not enough. With one swift movement, she ignited her weapon, the beam of plasma stabbing through the middle of his chest. Ben's eyes widened as he looked at her, feeling the life slowly begin to leave his body. Slowly, he raised his hand and gently placed it on her cheek and jaw, his thumb caressing the smooth skin of her cheek before his body fell limply backwards, his eyes shutting as the sensation of falling only grew.

Ben opened his eyes and saw a red crystal ceiling above him. He took in a deep breath, looking down at his bare chest to see no evidence of a lightsaber mark where he was hit in his dream. Only the scar from the forest along his collarbone and the scarred and bubbled skin from Chewie's blaster on his side. He felt a dull pain in his lower back as he slowly sat up, resting his head in his hands as he forced away memories from his dream. It felt so real... so familiar. The room was silent except for his slow breaths as he tried to shake off his grogginess.

"Ben." He heard the voice of his mother as he lifted his head from his hands. "I'm fine." He said to her as he noticed the worried expression she held on her face. "Yeah, I've heard that before." She said sarcastically. Ben swung his legs over the side of the bed, standing on shaky legs. He noticed Leia go to step forwards to help him but he raised a hand as a signal for her to stop. "I am alright. I can do this." He said quietly, yet confidently.

He grabbed his shirt that he saw laying on one of the chairs in the makeshift medical room before he slowly felt his strength returning. He knew the lightsaber hit was not a fatal injury. He was exhausted and weakened and in pain, both physically and emotionally. Seeing Rey stray so far away from who he used to know, he feared it was getting close to the point of no return. He couldn't think about that now, he had to come up with a plan. "Where is Finn and General Dameron?" He asked his mother. "By the ships, why?" Leia responded. "We need to make a plan." Ben said as he began to make his way there.

Star Wars Episode IX: Duel of the FatesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora