Chapter Thirty-One: Maythus

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As soon as Ronan finished his announcement, the Dolu began working on packing up their belongings, donning metal armor and strange weapons.

"The weapons—are you sure that's a good idea?" Kane frowned, pulling Ronan off to the side.

"Why wouldn't they be?" Ronan cocked his head to the side. "If we're invading a kingdom, we need a way to defend ourselves."

"I suppose you're right," Kane muttered, though his eyes were still uneasy. Maythus felt a flash of pity for the guard—it was hard enough for Maythus to break into the kingdom, and he was supposed to be king. He couldn't imagine how hard it would be for Kane, who would have to fight through his old comrades in order to get to Maddi—even defending Maythus would be considered treason. A guard's duty was to protect the royal family, no matter what.

The rest of the hour rushed by in a flurry, and by the time everyone was ready to leave, the sun was already high up into the sky.

"Hey everyone!" Ronan called, jumping back on top of a fallen log. "I hope you're all packed up, because we're moving out!"

He leapt off of the log and began a jolly walk forward, his strides long as he led the crowd through the field. The Dolu began cheering as they followed him, contagious energy flowing throughout the group.

Maythus felt a rush of adrenaline in his chest. This was it. He was finally going to be king—assuming their plan worked. After Ronan had finished his announcement, he had walked through the specifics of the plan with Maythus and Kane. It seemed flawless—assuming they would be able to find Maddi.

Kane pushed his way through the crowd, trying to make his way to the front. Maythus followed in suit, his face flushing as he apologized to everyone he roughly shouldered in order to get through.

"You ready for this?" Ronan grinned as the two approached.

Kane looked over at Maythus, waiting for his response.

"As ready as I'll ever be," Maythus shrugged.

Tens of minutes passed by before the edge of the kingdom finally came into view. There were a few guards patrolling the exposed perimeter. They were too distracted to notice the approaching group.

"Remember," Ronan shouted, addressing everyone. "No killing! But without further ado, let's get this show on the road!"

By now, the guards patrolling the perimeter were clearly unnerved by the Dolu. Before they could react, everyone began sprinting forward and Maythus was almost knocked over as someone's body slammed into his.

Kane grabbed his arm, keeping him upright, "You okay?"

Maythus nodded and following Kane, picked up his pace to a run as they charged into the kingdom, easily pummeling past the guards who were standing watch at the entrance.

Ronan met their eyes as they passed, his brown irises glinting with expectation. It was time for them to find made.

"Where would Maddi be?" Maythus asked, slowing to a walk as they approached the palace.

"I would guess the throne room," Kane suggested, quickly pulling Maythus around the corner as a group of guards charged past, into the plaza. A number of guards were patrolling throughout the palace, clearly protecting Maddi. "She has to be in here."

Kane gestured around the corner, "Follow me, there's another entrance over here."

The two made their way over to the backside of the palace, where there appeared to be a normal wall. Kane stepped forward and slid out a panel, revealing a hidden door.

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