Chapter Eighteen: Valencia

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As Valencia stared down at Dad, she couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort despite the tears that she had shed. She hadn't seen him in so long. Sure, he looked terrible, but at least she finally had him again.

"Is this made of shadow?" Valencia inquired, tugging at the handcuffs that were binding Dad in place. The dark metal that wrapped around his wrists seemed to be completely devoid of any light—it was pitch black and almost hard to focus her eyes on.

"I've never seen anything like this before," Maythus commented, reaching out to touch it. "I guess this is one example of Shadow Manipulation."

Valencia looked up in confusion, "Shadow Manipulation?" She had only ever heard of Light Manipulation, and now she was just finding out that there was another way to perform abilities.

Maythus looked uncomfortable, "I'll explain it later, it's kind of a touchy subject."

"How do we break it?" Valencia moved on, her heart pounding louder in her chest with each second.

"Um," Maythus hesitated. "I actually don't know."

Valencia tugged at the cuffs, but they remained strong—they clearly couldn't be broken with physical strength.

Valencia thought back to the channeling she had previously performed in the privacy of her home. It made logical sense that physical light would be able to dissolve physical shadow, but was she really willing to let Maythus know of her second ability?

As she looked down at Dad, weak and filthy, the answer became clear in her mind.

"Can you keep a secret?" Valencia asked, turning over to face Maythus. Their eyes locked, causing the familiar sensation of butterflies to reappear in her stomach.

"Sure," Maythus frowned. "How is this related to Ashton?"

Valencia concentrated on what little light there was in the room. When she closed her eyes, it was like she could sense the light, rather than feel it. Although the room was dark, similar to when she was healing Maythus, she could sense bits and pieces of energy all over.

Valencia inhaled, forcing the light to take a physical form in the palms of her hands. She could feel the warmth of the energy swirling before her as she opened her eyes.

Maythus stumbled back in shock, "Are you channeling right now?"

"I think so," Valencia nodded, a knot of guilt replacing the fluttering of her stomach. Did she just scare Maythus? Was having two abilities really that terrible?

"Wait, so let me get this clear," Maythus held out a hand, closing his eyes in confusion, "you have two abilities?"

"I think so," Valencia repeated her previous energy, nodding again. The light continued to swirl, floating a few millimeters above her palm.

"How is that even possible?" Maythus asked, his mouth gaping open as he stared at her. "Is that why you were asking me about it in the plaza the other day?"

"Yeah," Valencia said, looking down at the floor. "I accidentally found out about it at the Academy and didn't think it was possible to have to abilities. But clearly, it is," she gestured with her head to the shifting substance in her hands.

"I- I don't know what to say, if I'm being honest," Maythus looked flabbergasted. "Why are you keeping this a secret? This is incredible!"

Valencia cheeks flushed red at the compliment.

"I'm not really sure, but I'm just not ready for people to know yet," she shrugged. Valencia looked up at Maythus nervously. "Please don't tell anyone."

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