• T H R E E •

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Should've drank at least a glass of milk in the morning, he thought.

The boy's name was Arius.
Arius Johnson.
He was sitting next to another boy named Viggo Ryse.

Viggo was the stereotypically pretty boy. Blonde hair, blue eyes, and a million dollar smile on his face at all times. Arius would chuckle slightly at something Viggo would have said every now and then, but nothing more than that.

They got up and moved outside. They had a fifteen minute break in between every class and Elijah had Math next.
Jake appeared next to him, waggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"So, Megan huh? We're not even one day into term and you're ALREADY hooked?"

"Haha. No no, I don't know what Mrs.Baker was talking about." Elijah chuckled, nervously.

Thank the Gods no one knew who he was actually looking at.

Was he ogling? Now that's embarrassing.

He was ELIJAH KINGSTON for fuck's sake, he was the one to get ogled at, not the other way round.
This place was fucking with his head for sure.
They caught up with Ryder who looked sleepy as ever and made some small talk along the way.

Jake had a girlfriend back in town. He said he missed her already and couldn't wait for the weekend to come when they were allowed to go into the town to have some fun.
Now this was new information to Elijah, he'd clearly not read the through the guide.
Jake told him that the nearest town was Charlottesville, and it wasn't a very big town either. Well, something's better than nothing.

They go back to their classes. Elijah attended Math and was sucked up in the world of Differential Calculus. His math teacher was a middle-aged man named Harold who wore thick glasses and was extremely ruthless and intimidating when it came to remembering the equations. He was very intelligent and perceptive, and that wasn't lost on anybody.

He wondered how Ryder had picked up Advanced Math.
She was crazy.
He absolutely hated math.

They make their way to the dining hall in the ground floor for lunch. It was a large, spacious room decorated with old, vintage style paintings on the walls and the room was bathed in a soft, golden light, giving off a homely feeling.
Roast potatoes, some Mexican rice and slice of Dutch Chocolate cake was placed onto their trays.
The food here was miles better than the soggy fries and boiled stew that was served in his old school. He was pretty sure that the stew was days old before it was served. Ew.
He realized that the seniors were here in the room with them. Ryder noticed his confusion and informed him that last night they had dinner in their dorm to make it easy for them to navigate.
As they eat, a girl with multiple sheets in her hand walks over to their table and slaps down a thick yellow form.

"Hi you guys, I'm Bianca, President of the Student Council and we're looking for two members from the Junior year to join in. Feel free to fill in the form and give it to me tomorrow if you want to apply. Have a nice day!" she states, robotically and stalks off to the next table.

She was of average height and had long, voluminous red hair that was styled into a messy braid with some strands framing her face. She was beautiful, nose and upper cheeks dotted in freckles. Her eyes were green, much like Elijah's, only darker.

"I'm going to get some fresh air. Have a free hour next." Elijah said, standing up.

"Yeah, okay." mumbled Ryder.

Elijah steps out with his book bag and walks over to the huge tree and drops his bag there.
He breathed in the air and was surprised at how good and full he felt instantly. He closed his eyes and stood, letting the wind ruffle his blonde hair. The top was getting longer now.

"Uh, yeah. I'm good. I don't like it here, but I'll live. Fuck off."

Elijah turns around to see who was walking towards the tree. It was Arius, stuffing his phone into his pocket and sighing.

"What?" he asked, looking at Elijah.

Oh God, he was staring again.

Elijah shook his head and just looked forward. He wanted to say something, anything.
Arius looked mad. And for the record, from up close, he was even better looking.
That weird feeling rose in Elijah's stomach again and intensified when Arius shuffled closer to him
--God, he wasnt even that close--
and the both of them just stood there, looking at the lake that Elijah hadn't noticed before.

After a few minutes, Arius turned around and left without a word. Elijah let out a breath that he didn't even realise he was holding back.
He didn't understand why he got so conscious around the guy, it was frustrating.

He sat down by the tree and pulled out his sketchpad and drawing pencils, deciding to draw the breathtaking scenery in front of him.
The sound of pencil scratching the paper rhythmically put Elijah at ease and before he knew it, his cell phone was vibrating in his back pocket.

"Hey Abby!" He says, a huge smile breaking out on his face.

"How's my baby brother doing? I hope you haven't pulled any stunts at Stonewall, you brat! "

"What a way to greet me, I hate you."

They slip into casual banter and talk about their day. Elijah tells her about Ryder and Jake, a certain boy with grey eyes lingering at the back of his mind.

"Alright, mum's calling me I'll talk to you later. Keep in touch you absolute fool." She says, hanging up.

He slips his phone into his bag, smiling.
Abby was his cousin sister. But they were practically siblings. She was his best friend. Abby considered Elijah's mother her mum as well, as she'd mostly grown up around Liz. Amanda, Liz's sister was Abby's mum and had married a rich, younger man, leaving Abby alone at home most of the time and attending extravagant parties and balls. Liz had found out when she was twelve, and was royally ticked off. She had asked Abby to shift in with her and Elijah. They'd stuck together ever since.

Elijah attended his last class for the day with Ryder. Advanced Physics.
They learnt about Electric properties and various scientists linked with the revolutionary discoveries. Tesla was his favourite, too bad the curriculum didn't teach much about him.

They went back to their dorms to change.
Ryder told him about this one boy that wouldn't stop hitting on her. She looked extremely irritated. He had slipped her two notes in her Advanced Chemistry class apparently.

"Are all of your classes Advanced?" Elijah asked, in amazement.

"That's what you got out of the conversation?" Ryder asked him incredulously.

"Yeah. Straight A's remember?"

"But didn't you dip?"

Ryder just smirked and unlocked their room.
They quickly changed into comfortable clothes, Elijah sporting some basketball shorts and a vest.
Ryder was in a plain black tee and black joggers.
Elijah swore all he saw in Ryder's closet was a black mass.
Black everywhere, with a few greys, reds and yellows here and there.

He collected his grilled cheese sandwich and coffee and waited for Ryder to go outside.
Ryder had somehow managed to slip outside without him noticing her. She beckoned to him urgently and went out of sight again.
He rolled his eyes and made his way outside, half jogging. As he turned the corner, he ran smack into someone as tall as him and watched in horror as his coffee flew out of his hand and emptied itself on the plain white tee in front of him. He looked at the person to apologise but the words died in his throat. Shit.

He groaned internally and facepalmed.

Arius looked pissed off. If looks could kill, the entire hall would be six feet under the ground.

Well fuck, Elijah thought.



Hope y'all like this. Interaction, cheesy as it may seem, has been set into motion.
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Much love XD. Thank you!

Sunsets and Constellations | B X B Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz