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"So Isabelle, anything new you'd like to share honey?" asked her mum, as she made a plate of the meal she cooked. Isabelle folded up her handkerchief into her lap and replied while looking down at it. "No not really mum, just same old same old...diner and painting" her mum shook her head in disappointment at her daughter's lack of thrill. "Seeing anyone special Izzie bear?" asked her father as he bit into his chicken. "...no dad" Isabelle said smiling as he dropped food from his chin. She decided it was best not to tell them about Freddie until she knew for sure what exactly it was going on between them.

As much as she wanted to scream on top of her lungs that she was getting laid by the King of Queen, she also was a bit embarrassed by the fact that she may only by his play thing. A place she never thought she'd settle for anyone, but Freddie had her doing the unpredictable. "Boy oh boy I can't wait till Queen releases their new project...did you hear their newest single?" asked her dad. Isabelle choked on her water "oh...no I haven't dad, why is it any good?" said Isabelle totally pretending that Freddie didn't show her a demo of it a few weeks back.

"Yes I believe its called someone to love" he said in the middle of chewing. "Somebody To Love" said Isabelle unintentionally correcting her father. "...so you did hear it then?" interrupted her mum. Feeling silly and nervous Isabelle simply stood up and excused herself heading to the bathroom. "That girl worries me" said her mum shaking her head. Splashing cold water on her face, Isabelle looked at her reflection in the mirror. Hardly recognizing herself, her shirt was wrinkled her eyes were beginning to develop dark circles. She was mentally exhausted, trying so hard not to pressure Freddie with her insecurities and need for certainty.

Returning to the table Isabelle started helping her mum clear the table, while her dad went to play his records. Captian and Tennille's "Love will keep us together" filled the large house. Humming to the song and ignoring her mum's hard glare Isabelle continued cleaning up. "I know there's something bothering you honey, a mother knows when her child is troubled..." truth be told Isabelle did want to talk about her feelings but she knew once she said it out loud it would all pour out like word vomit. "I'm fine mum, just a bit tired"

After catching a cab home Isabelle approached the door of her flat placing her keys in the lock. Suddenly someone tackled her to the ground "HELP!" she cried out until she realized who it was. "Shh it's me darling! I wanted to surprise you!" helping her to her feet and dusting her off Freddie giggled. "You almost gave me a heart attack!" said Isabelle smacking him in the chest. Opening the door they both headed in, Freddie took his fur coat off and hung it up on her coat rack. "...and where were you this evening?" he asked her as he kissed her forehead. "Why?" she asked, wondering how much she could get out of him. He'd always put on a cold front as if he didn't care much about their connection. "Oh...no reason, just making conversation dear" said Freddie as he sat on the sofa.

Turning on her small television, Isabelle curled up into Freddie. He smelled so sweet like a mixture of vanilla and cinnamon. Flicking through the channels the silence was beginning to seem awkward between them. Freddie wanted to know so badly where she was, and she wanted to know just how much he cared. With her head on his chest Isabelle could hear his heart beat quicken. "Are you okay?" she asked looking up at him. "Fine" was all he said while staring at the screen. "...okay" she said.

15 minutes into a program, Freddie stretched his legs and arms which forced Isabelle to get off him. "I'm rather bored of this...I think I'm going to call it a night love" said Freddie as he stood to his feet. "Oh so the only way you enjoy my company is if your cock is inside of me?" asked Isabelle with a hurtful glare in her eyes. "Whoa where did that come from? That's not what I meant at all darling...it's just...well...uh" Freddie couldn't come up with anything else to say. "You arse! you can't even at least throw me a decent lie!" said Isabelle as she ran into her bedroom slamming the door behind her. Freddie stood in her living room by himself trying to figure out how his visit turned into such theatrics.

He was just about to knock on her door to explain himself. Truth was he was hurt that she wouldn't tell him where she was, but being the stubborn virgo that he was he wouldn't tell her. Freddie was surely fond of Isabelle and he actually enjoyed being with her not only for sex but for the sense of comfort and safety she brought him as well. She became a sort of escapism for him. Knowing that it'd be dangerous if he'd allow himself to give in his feelings he decided not to reconcile with Isabelle.

Hearing her front door shut, she knew he'd left. Her eyes began to water, as she leaned against the door. She was more upset with her own behavior maybe if she was just honest with Freddie he'd still be there, and she'd still be in his arms. Then suddenly she remembered the note, maybe it wasn't from an enemy after all. Maybe just maybe someone out there was trying to protect her, because falling for a rock star wasn't as fun as it seemed to be. Freddie was a part of her now, in fact he'd always been. Isabelle started to believe it was no mere coincidence that her father also happened to be such a huge fan of theirs. It's like Freddie was meant to be in her life.

Meanwhile Freddie's ride home was anything but pleasant, he stared out his window watching the streetlights flash by. "Fuck! I should of stayed and talked with her" he thought to himself. Just then Brian's words began to fill his head, if Freddie's feelings for Isabelle were written all over his face that night in the studio the way Brian described he knew he was already in too deep. As much as Freddie cared for Isabelle and actually considered a monogamous relationship with her, he also knew that it was too early in his career to worry about a relationship and nothing was more important to him than his career. Plus he also knew himself well enough, that once he falls for someone he becomes very possessive and he only proved himself right tonight.

"Oh Grace...I totally blew it tonight!" cried Isabelle into the phone. "Iz, it's okay I'm sure that's not true" hearing her friends sniffles through the phone she knew she had been crying for a while before calling her. "I did Grace, I'm telling you...he didn't think twice about my feelings" said Isabelle. "Well if that's true then maybe it's best you move on Iz, I hate to burst your bubble but what else did you expect?" Isabelle knew she'd sound silly if she told her friend she had hoped for a relationship. "Nothing I just....I like him a lot Grace" looking at the clock on her wall realizing the night was still young Grace put on her shoes "I'm covering over! we can make some popcorn and talk all about it!" smiling into the phone and drying her tears Isabelle was grateful for having a friend like Grace.

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