The Note

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"So...will I be seeing you again?" asked Isabelle who sat in Freddie's car which was parked in front of her house. "Darling, of course...I really enjoyed myself tonight" he said grabbing her hand and kissing the top of it. "Okay" was all Isabelle said as she held the side of Freddie's face. As she opened the door to get out, Freddie called out to her. "Oh and Isabelle..." he had the window rolled down enough so that only his eyes were shown. "Save yourself for me..I don't like sharing" and just like that he pulled off into the night. Watching as the car disappeared down the street until it's headlights were tiny blurs, Isabelle wondered what Freddie meant. "Save myself?" she whispered to herself. Freddie was a man of possession, what he wanted he got. Isabelle was yet to find out just how serious he was about her.

Walking into her bathroom to undress, she gasped at her reflection in the mirror. All of the hickies Freddie left on her neck and collar bone were violet purple. Touching each one and having flashbacks to the breathtaking moments of when he made them she felt a shiver take over body. Laying down in the dark listening to nothing but the crickets, Isabelle relived her whole evening with Freddie. She was a bit upset with herself for allowing him to have milk before buying the cow. It was against her own morals, but then again nobody has ever made her feel the way Freddie made her feel. He was a very intimidating man, the kind you wished to please instead of him pleasing you. Oh boy did he please though, for a man with feminine qualities he was a rough and aggressive lover.

After changing into her pajama's and settling in for the night. Isabelle called Grace to tell her all the juicy details. " was like electric currents were shooting through my body, I never knew it was possible to feel such a way.." went on Isabelle as she described her experience. "Well I'm proud of you for finally allowing yourself to loosen up! I didn't think you'd go all the way though" said Grace somewhat giggling. A bit offended Isabelle frowned into the phone. "Coming from the one who encouraged me!" she said. "Yes but you must admit Isabelle you never let anyone in...ha get it? IN" said Grace as she bit into an apple. "Hmm well let's see how your way gets me" Grace huffed into the phone "...just don't fall in love and you'll be fine!"

"Uh let's not forget who we are talking about here, it's Freddie Mercury!" saying his name out loud made it even more real. "Yeah well you can have him...I still want a piece of that John Deacon! he looks so innocent...i'll teach him a few things" rolling her eyes Isabelle replied "Okay i'm going to sleep now!" hanging up she shut off her lamp and drifted off to sleep. The next morning Isabelle awoke getting ready for work, when she opened her door there was a note on the floor. Picking it up her eyes widened at what was written on it. "Dirty slut" it read, covering her mouth in shock she shoved it in her purse and continued on to work. When break time came around she called Grace to meet her at the diner.

"Did you leave this at my door?" asked Isabelle as she took the note out of her purse showing Grace. "No what the hell? why would I do that?" Isabelle sighed "I don't know but I was hoping it was you because if it wasn't you then who could it be?" Grace rolled her eyes at her friend being so gullible. "How about the guy you had sex with last night?" she said to Isabelle. "Freddie?! no he wouldn't do that..." she said second guessing herself. "...and how do you know that Iz? you had 1 date with him!" feeling tears build in her eyes Isabelle felt hurt not because of the note but because she thought it was different this time. She felt a real connection with Freddie, it was a huge let down to know he may really be some kind of dick. What made it worse is someone as different as Freddie could prove the stigma's of a rock star to be true. Sex,drugs, and rock roll.

"Okay well I gotta get back to work" said Isabelle putting the note back into her apron. "Hey you alright?" said Grace with concern for her friend. "Yeah i'm totally fine" said Isabelle with a fake smile. Truth was she was crushed, but she wouldn't give up until she knew for sure that it was Freddie. Apart of her believed it wasn't, whether she'd known him for a short time or not. She went on the whole rest of her shift in disbelief. " couldn't be surely wasn't who was it then?" Isabelle thought to herself.

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