Take Care

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Just as Freddie spun around Bill smashed him over the head with a Japanese snow globe. Mary cried out as his body fell to the ground by her feet. Looking down a tiny puddle of blood forming from his head was visible. "Freddie!" she cried out. Bill knelt down  placing two fingers on his neck.

A pulse was felt "Don't worry he's alive...for now" he said as he made his way over to the window looking out of it. The car Freddie,Isabelle and Erin drove in wasn't visible from where he was looking. "Fuck" he whispered to himself, he knew Freddie wouldn't just show up alone.


"Maybe I should go in" said Isabelle as she and Erin watched the house for any activity. It had been half an hour since Freddie went inside. "No let's just stay here the police should be arriving at any moment...if my calculations are correct and Peter called them an hour after we left they should already be notified." Isabelle could no longer just stand by and not do anything. Without another thought she jumped out of the car. "Isabelle! come back!" yelled out Erin as he watched her run to the door.

Discovering that it was already open she softly pushed passed it causing a small creek. A cry from Lilly was heard, it was coming from upstairs. Running up the stairs she followed her daughter's cries entering the room she was in. There Lilly sat in the middle of Mary's king sized bed. "My baby!" she cried running over to the child. The door slammed shut behind her.

With Lilly now in her arms she spun around fast to Bill standing in the corner. "What do you want?" she asked him clutching onto her child "you don't get to ask questions you little slut!" he said striking her across the face with the back of his hand, causing Lilly to cry. Meanwhile downstairs an unconscious Freddie began to wake up. Holding the wound on his head he slowly stood up. "Oh thank God you're alive!" said Mary as she sobbed.

Trying to focus his blurred vision Freddie began searching for the gun he dropped. Isabelle appeared around the corner holding Lilly with Bill behind her. He held his gun steady to the back of her head "sit down" he instructed her as he guided her over to the sofa. "You always were a lightweight" said Bill as he smiled at Freddie. "Let them go...please" he said as his heart sank at the sight of the two people he loved most being held against their will.

"Oh I'm going to let them go alright...to HELL along with you my little rock star"     moving his aim from Isabelle to Freddie he told him to go sit next to them. "You thought you could just get rid of me and live happily ever after? we both know you can't ever be happy with her" as Bill continued on Mary successfully found her way out of the rope he had used to tie her up with. Waving her free arms behind Bill to get Isabelle and Freddie's attention, they noticed her.

"You're right dear" Bill was shocked to hear Freddie say such things. "I should have never betrayed you!" saying anything to distract Bill from turning around Freddie kept taunting him. "Let's start fresh...just you and me we can leave now" lowering his gun the very mentally ill man believed what he was hearing until he spotted Mary from the corner of his eye. "NO!" yelled Freddie as Bill quickly aimed at her firing his gun. The shot was interfered as Freddie lunged towards Bill.

Shot in the leg Mary crumbled to the floor. The sound of the gunshot caused Erin to run inside of the house. Isabelle shielded Lilly as she screamed while Bill and Freddie wrestled on the ground. Although around the same height Bill was a much larger man than Freddie was. The two of them struggled holding each other down.

"Ahhhh fuck!" Bill cried in agony as he held the knife Freddie stabbed him with. Erin ran in taking quick notice to what was going on. "Oh my God!" locking his eyes onto the weapon on the floor he picked it up quickly pointing it at Bill. "Don't move!" he yelled. Police sirens were heard from a distance. Bill was defeated as he sat in a pool of his own blood. "Is everyone okay?" asked Freddie as he stood to his feet.

Mary yelled for help so the cops would know which house to go to. Freddie and Isabelle held each other with Lilly sandwiched in between them. Kissing them both on their heads Freddie shed a tear as he thanked God for their safety. "I love you" he said as he stared into Isabelle's eyes. "I love you too" she said as she stared back into his. What he seen in the reflection of hers caused a ringing silence in his ears.

Bill spotted the gun Freddie dropped and had it in his bloody hand. "...see you in Hell Mercury" he said as he fired the gun at him. "NOOOOO!" screamed Isabelle in a blood curddling screech. In a flash of a second Freddie's whole life flashed before his eyes pushing Isabelle out of the way he spun around.

A loud thud was heard.

"...no no no no no" cried Isabelle as she knelt to the ground. "I'm so sorry! I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry!" she cried as she held Erin's lifeless hand. He jumped in front of the bullet before it could get to Freddie. Erin gave up his life so he could die knowing Isabelle and Lilly would be taken care of. Kneeling down beside her Freddie placed a hand on Isabelle's shoulder as he joined her in the loss of a true friend...a hero in the end. "I'm so sorry my love"

"Hands up!" shouted a cop as he flew inside the home with 5 other cops following him. A team of paramedics tended to both Mary and Bill. Luckily Mary's wound wasn't life threatening but unfortunately for Bill his was. "We lost him" said the medics as they focused their attention on Freddie, Isabelle and Lilly. Wrapping a bandage around Freddie's head the medics advised him to go the hospital even though his head seemed fine.

"I'll be alright fellas" he said as they were in awe of who their patient was. "Da da" said Lilly as she reached for him. Taking her in his arms he kissed her and vowed to never let her out of his sight ever again. Isabelle watched as they placed Erin's lifeless body on a stretcher. Her heart was crushed but she also knew him better than anyone else and so she knew this is what he wanted. For her and Lilly to be happy.

"Let's go home..." said Freddie as he held his girls close to his body.

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