"Don't worry. I'll always win. You can make sure of that." (F/N)

The rest of Team RWBY was behind her, each and everyone of them giving their support to her, this was one of the few matches she had to take on alone to reach the finals. She'd win no matter what, it was a promise. Anything for them.

She stepped out of the entrance leading to a wide stadium, in front of her was terrain of a wide variety, each more dangerous than the last. She breathed in slowly and let it out, repeating this step until voices echoed towards the bustling crowd all around her.

"To our left, (F/N) from Team VLKY as a support class! But don't let her fool you! Her eyes speaks of years of experience. Being one of the top students in Beacon Academy, she is not to be trifled with!" (Port)

"Indeed she is, Professor Port. Her reputation is well known around the world, possibly on par with the Mistral Champion, she is a worthy opponent." (Oobleck)

Cheers erupted through out the Colosseum, cheering for both sides, she felt confident. Determined. Ready for battle. Her opponent looked equally skilled, but from her observations, he was too cocky.

"And to our right, Mercury Black from Team CMEN! A student of Mistral Academy. This would be a interesting fight indeed. Two opponents with widely different styles of fighting. I truly look forward to this match." (Port)

Mercury gave a smug smirk towards her, he was too cocky for his own good. This was a good opportunity. She learned to never underestimate her opponent. It's better to overestimate than to underestimate.

Both of them took their places in each side, the terrain around them shifted into a volcanic landscape. Geyser's spewing out magma from its intake, threatening to burn them to a crisp. Examining her surroundings, her opponent was likely skilled in mobility, she'd have to test his abilities first. Small attacks should do the trick.

The sound of a horn to her right, signifying the match, she materialized a few lances, quickly lunging forward towards her opponent, he dodged it with little effort. The next barrage came not long after, his acrobatic skills kept him from getting hit. She was right, he was a mobile fighter. She'd have to be careful.

Mercury responded to her attacks by running towards her, trying to catch her off guard, his kicks shot through it's bottom, using her enhanced speed, it was easy to dodge his bullets. Using her telekinesis, a few boulders lunged towards the silver haired boy, forcing him to keep his distance followed by lances lunging towards several directions, ducking he barely missed getting brutally pierced.

Her attacks were ruthless. It was never ending. She had the upper hand and both of them knew it, he had to find a way to get close for him to do any damage. He'd have to use his speed to gain an advantage. Shifting through the terrain, carefully avoiding the magma spewing out from the ground, he tried to gain ground by using the terrain to his advantage, the rocks around him provided cover as he shifted through the rocky plains.

Her keen sight tracked him as he ran through, using anything he can as an advantage. Using her telepathic abilities, it was no effort at all she could lift boulders many times her size. She went easy on him. He was lucky.

In the views of many, it seemed one sided. She had far better abilities and had the advantage. Mercury, deciding to hide in a small cover, thinking she had lost track of him, he planned his next move. He'd use his speed and cover to get closer to her to get a perfect hit. A well placed shot right behind her would do the trick. He'd gotten reports earlier today surprising him, she had no Aura. If he could just land a critical hit on her, it'd be game over.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2023 ⏰

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