C L A S S . . .(Part II)

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Enjoy your life...


It wasn't often that a good fight would be present in Professor Goddwitches class. Mostly the usual overconfident student and the helpless. The latter that most dislike, even F/N. Looking down at people infuriated her, in given time they would be stronger than you. Closing her eyes, while her ears were filled with the sounds of grunts and clashing. 

She didn't want to witness this, yet her ears are as clear as day. Jaune would lose either way. He wasn't prepared at all. Even the most basic questions about Aura were unknown to him. As if it was his first time hearing anything about it, his own was apparent yet it was weak. 

"Come on Jauney boy. Don't tell me you can't get up after a simple beating?" 

Jaune held his lower half in pain, his breathing ragged, his mind in a daze. He wasn't focused at all. He was nervous. Scared. Clearly Cardin is more experienced than him in almost every manner. The latter being studies. 

Jaune clenches his sword, deciding this would be the best time to surprise attack him and was met with a hard kick to his face. Gasps run through the crowd. Cardin's smirk was as wide as ever, the professor, Glynda, sought to end it.

"Enough. There's no need for more escalation. As you can see how Mr. Arc was defeated easily while not paying attention to his Aura levels. A fatal mistake to anyone fighting a rouge Hunter or Grimm." 

Glynda glared at both of them with disapproving eyes, clearly with multiple flaws. She deeply sighs under her breath, shaking her head in disappointment. Her voice rang through the class, commanding as ever, lecturing them on their mistakes. Honestly she couldn't stand teenagers who were too overconfident or too weak for their own good. It made her rethink her life choices sometimes.

"Remember class, always keep a steady eye on your Aura levels. One fatal mistake could mean your life. Seeing as how the majorities performance are, more than half of you wouldn't make it as far in life as a Hunter. I expect you to improve, not the other way around." 

Whispers spread throughout the crowd, their professor was a lot meaner than they had expected today, not a surprise to some. 

Jaune was escorted to the infirmary, after being a subject of a beating by the school's bully. F/N's eyes showed pity towards the young blonde, even if he faked his entry into Beacon, he should at least try to prove himself.

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Ruby skipped through the hallway, she couldn't wait to taste the new batch of cookies she'd been waiting for half the day! Truly this was a happy moment for her, before her ears caught sound of Cardin and his gang, with the usual bullying the Faunus. She herself couldn't help but hold disgust towards his actions.

She hoped karma will reach him sooner or later in life, maybe then he'll get a taste of his own medicine. Taking an alternative route from him, she came across her big sister. She could never miss the snow white hair she'd come to adore her whole life. 

Tapping her shoulder, she covered her sister's eyes with a wide smile.

"Guess who it is!" 

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