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Enjoy your life...



(F/N) glanced at her family-or well step-family to be precise. Many years had passed since the incident, the memory still fresh in her mind after so long, she forced herself to forget. Her eyes dart to each of the family members, her two sisters, Yang and Ruby, and her father, Taiyang Xiao Long.

The only missing member was the mother, another unfortunate passing that she couldn't prevent. At the time of her loss, she was still young. Could she have expected it? No. Could she have stopped it? No. 

What could she do at that time?

Facing the monsters, Grimm, were dangerous for a child. Her mother, Summer Rose, was an angel. One sent from Heaven she might've said, she was there everytime she had the recurring nightmare of that time. 

She was always there for her, no matter what, and she loved her dearly for that. Not that her father wasn't the same of course! It's just that... she had a special bond towards Summer, she was kind, helpful and cheerful. She kept the atmosphere so lively and happy and such a bundle of joy to be around. 

She chewed her food slowly, savoring the taste on her tongue, ever since then her father had been taking classes on cooking to fill in the gap of a near full time House-husband or rather, House-father. Taking care of three kids of varying ages was no joke. 

Her two sisters bickered with each other, Yang being the teasing one, had always made Ruby feel so embarrassed. Thankfully she had her big sister (F/N) around! She can always count on her!



Shaking her sister back and forth made the Herrscher feel very dizzy. After a few seconds she had finally stopped, causing her to hold her head to stop the dizzyness from spreading further, she had a noticeable frown on her lips, Ruby, whistled a tune as if to avoid what she had done. 

"Please. Don't do that again." 

"I know I've asked a lot tonight but can I pretty please have cookies? It's just downtown! I'll be quick I promise!" 

"Right. Like the last time you said that I waited for half an hour for you to pick one, I'd much rather not wait again." 

Pouting she turned to face away, arms crossed against her chest in a playful anger, she didn't take long! It's just cookies needed careful examination before consuming it! That's all! Her big sister on the other hand was not having it. 

"A No is a no, Ruby. You don't want dad finding out about this would you? I'm certain he'll be extra angry if he finds out you've been forcing your pitiful sister to buy you sweets." 

Ruby sweatdropped, dad really wanted to cut down on her sugar consumption and he was serious about it. Sighing in defeat, she nodded. She'd rather not get an earful from her father once she's back.

"I'm not a Schnee you know. So please be considerate, I promise I'll buy you some next time okay?" 

Her eyes light up at the comment, how lucky she was to have such a cool and kind big sister! Nodding in her imagination, she saw a dust shop nearby, reminding her,

"Oh yeah! I need to restock soon! Look there's a Dust shop nearby! Let's go!" 

Seeing her sister rush off into the shop, she was forced to follow as well. She needed to keep an eye on the speedster or god knows what havoc she'll cause if she was alone!

"Welcome! Welcome! What can I do for you today? We have a special sale for dust today since it's my shop's fifth anniversary here. Please help yourselves! I'll be here when you're done picking." 

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