24 - Meeting Place

Start from the beginning

All the bickering and conversations have long stopped. The surroundings are unfamiliar, the sky is getting dark, and the trees are creepy silhouettes looming over us. How did a whole day pass by so fast? We wait together with bated breath as J-Hope steers into a little clearing.

The rain has stopped, too. Like the sky is holding its breath with us.

It's dead silent when the engine turns off.

"Remember our plan," Namjoon whispers in the darkness. "They don't know how many of us there are, so we're using that to our advantage. Jungkook and J-Hope will go with Y/n since Freedom Academy already knows about you guys, and Jimin will go along for persuasion. The rest of us will hide in the sidelines for a surprise attack in case we end up needing one. Got it?"

We all nod.

"Good. The letter says that it wants us there by the 16th hour, but it doesn't hurt to be early. I say you guys go now."

After another determined nod from the group, the four of us hop out of the truck. A chilly breeze hits me immediately, making me shiver, and we pause to stretch our legs after such a long ride.

Taehyung gives us our final directions before we separate - walk 50 paces east and turn right, where there should be an abandoned parking lot.

Then we say goodbye.

My mind runs through our plan one more time as we walk away into the night.


We arrive at the parking lot 15 minutes early.

A feeble orange street lamp creeks in the soft breeze.

Everything else is drowned in darkness. J-Hope doesn't want to waste any of his energy lighting up the area so we let our eyes adjust to the dark instead.

"Now we wait," Jungkook mutters.

My breath casts gentle clouds of mist in front of me, and I watch it fade away under the orange street light. Crickets chirp somewhere in the distance. A heavier breeze picks up, and I tug my jacket tighter around me for warmth.

"Why did we have to come here so early?" I whisper. "It's kind of cold."

"Better early than late," Jimin shrugs. His arms are crossed and he's shivering in the cold, too.

Nothing else is said.

The temperature seems to plummet as time goes on, and soon enough we're walking and jumping around to keep ourselves warm - standing still is no longer feasible.

"This is probably their plan all along," Jungkook murmurs. "They wanted us to come early so we'd be frozen by the time they get here."

There is no response to that.

We wait, and wait, and wait...

I keep myself occupied by blowing into the air and watching the mist fade away. An ink black spreads across the sky when the sun sets, a dark omen engulfing the world entirely.


A loud cackle rings through the air. I jump and turn around to see a soldier walking up to us, dressed in a green uniform.

"You pathetic dropouts actually showed up!" He laughs again, and shakes his head. "How stupid and reckless!"

It's bravery, I want to counter. But I'm afraid to speak up.

The soldier's bellowing sounds so loud after the long wait in silence that it's uncomfortable. His beady eyes look at each of us individually in our group of four.

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