He goes back to cleaning, and you pick up some of his comics to help. The two of you crouch by the bed, and you detect a familiar smell.

"You know," you sound. "you kind of smell good. Like caramel."

He gives you a look of disgust and you laugh.

"It's a compliment, hedgehog. I like it," you smile. He turns away and mumbles almost inaudibly.

"It's because of my quirk. I don't use those batshit perfumes."

You hum and ask, "what exactly is your quirk? I saw some small blasts on your hand at the cafe."

"It's explosions," he grunts as he sets up a small folding desk on the floor and moves some textbooks onto it. "Basically, the sweat from my palms ignites on command."

"Oh wow, how big can they get?"

"I would show you, but I would blow up the room," he smirks.

"I'm pretty sure your ego would burst through the house before that," you snicker. He shoots you a glare before opening one of the books up.

"So what the hell do you wanna learn?"

"Wait, you're actually going to tutor me?"

"Weren't you the one who fucking asked for it? I don't help anyone, so be grateful, cat eyes."

"Yes, yes sensei," you grin lazily.

You notice that he's opened up an English textbook and you smirk.

"I'm probably better than you at English. I can speak five languages pretty fluently." You puff out your chest as you boast.

"The hell? I thought you never went to school?"

"I didn't. I just had to learn for my job," you say. It wasn't a lie, yet you find yourself feeling guilty.

He grumbles and replaces the English textbook with math.

"What about geometry?"

Geometry wasn't needed. Languages, psychology, hero laws, computer science, and philosophy were the subjects the headquarters taught you other than your quirk and self-defense.

"Yeah, I don't know that," you chuckle. "I know up to like Algebra... probably, but not all those circle stuff. It looks too hard."

"Well, you're going to fucking learn it."

He begins with simple theories and equations. It's terrible, and for a majority of the time, he wacks you lightly on the head with a rolled-up paper stick for getting something wrong.

An hour or so passes, and you find your eyes drooping. Now that you think about it, you did wake up around five. You don't know how Bakugou still has the energy to talk about all these brain-melting concepts.

Without realizing it, you end up falling asleep while you lean against his bed. Bakugou, on the other hand, notices your head bobbing up and down. Chuckling, he glances at the clock and sees that it's nine forty-five.

Resting his chin on the palm of his hand, he watches as the last of you struggles to stay awake.

Some hair, which is now curly after not drying it properly, drapes across your face, and he stifles a laugh when your nose twitches as if it tickles.

He finds his phone and takes a picture of you right when a dribble of drool escapes your lips.

"Fucking disgusting," he whispers light-heartedly.

He gets up slowly and shuffles towards you. Tucking his arms between your back and the bed frame and under your legs, he lifts you up and sets you down on his bed.

For a split second, he sees something golden and shiny by your collarbone, but you shift your weight and roll to the side before he can see what it is.

Quietly, he cleans up the little desk and sets down a futon for him to sleep on.

After he grabs an extra pillow from the bed, he turns off the light and lays down.

"... night, you fucking idiot."


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