We lost sight Nyx, Naomi, and Noel, and all I could do was feel guilty for leaving them behind. They could've fit in the cars, they could've stayed with us, and I could have friends my own age. "I still feel bad for what she walked in on." Maggie spoke looking at Glenn, "yeah, we should've locked the door." Glenn looks extremely uncomfortable, "is that why she looked so pale this morning?" Lori questioned, "must've been." Maggie mumbles, Glenn was trying to hold in a laugh, "yeah, poor thing had seen enough before walking in on you two." Lori joked, "I bet she's more traumatised from that over everything else." Rick adds and the four adults laughed, and I was just confused on what so funny.

(21 May, 2011)
|-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/NYX'S POV-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-|

It's been three weeks and two days since the herd arrived in our little town, three weeks and two days since Rick and the others left, and three weeks after fixing a motorcycle. I screwed the storage unit onto the back of the bikes seat. We added the deer skin to our survival storage as well as a painted tarp that will blend into the forest so that we can hide the bike at night. We hid everything else in the bunker under our shed, hiding it using old bikes and basic clutter to throw off others from stealing it. I had Naomi strapped to my front and Noel holding tightly onto my waist as I sped along the road.

We just drove around for three weeks in search of the group, I left markings on trees for Daryl to find us if he ever goes back to the house for us. I was giving up on hope, but I couldn't tell Noel that, he kept talking how nice it would be to have a big group of friends. Me, Noel, and Naomi were up in a tree, checking the perimeter and listening for the sounds of cars. That's went I heard the sounds of gunshots and Noel narrowed it down to being at the prison.

We climbed down, killed a few walkers before driving towards the prison. I told Noel I wouldn't stop driving unless I knew for sure it was Rick and the others. "It's them Nyx!" Noel spoke excitedly as the prison came into, I saw T-Dog, Maggie, Beth and Glenn between the two fences. I notice Rick was in the field surrounded by walkers. I took Naomi with me as I climb a tree and began to shoot down walkers as Noel covered the ones outside the fences. He had gotten pretty good at using a crossbow, I found two weeks ago as I searched the nearest town.

We then rode up to the fence, finishing off the last of the walkers on the outside. "Nyx? Noel? Naomi?" Maggie questioned in disbelief, "you found us!" Beth squealed happily as she smile at the blonde, "wasn't easy. Daryl did a good job covering your tracks." Daryl came into view and began to open up the fence where they had cut to get in. Glenn rushed to his side to help, whilst they did that, I kept my eyes pealed for walkers, six showed up. I gave Noel Naomi, and began to shoot down the walkers with my arrows, but two of them were too close, so I drew my knife and took both of them down and Noel carried most of our supplies through the gate. 

I put my knife back into its holder, collected my arrows before stepping through the fence. I was immediately pulled into a hug by Maggie and Beth. "You knew me for less than 24 hours and you missed me this much?" My questioned was muffled by Glenn's shoulder as he hugged me. Daryl did a once over on me as if you check for wounds, he gave me a quick hug before taking Naomi off Hershel. "There's my favourite Martin woman." Daryl spoke admiringly as he smiled cheekily at Naomi, "gee thanks Daryl." I mumble as Naomi laughs and asks Daryl for a hug. "You're all still alive." I spoke with a sigh of relief as I took in all their faces.

"How far ahead of the herd are you?" T-Dog questions once we position the cars at the exits. "They've been dead almost a month now." Noel informs them whilst I rock Naomi to sleep, "you got them all?" Rick questioned in disbelief, "yeah she did, three hours, 487 walkers." Noel informed them as I hummed, Naomi let's out a big yawn and not long after soft snores escape her lips.

I smile victoriously as Daryl begins to prep the fire, he wasn't having much luck lighting it. "Little help here, Huntress?" I shook my head no, "I can't disturb her. Bud, why don't you do it?" Noel saluted, squatted down next to Daryl and began to try light the fire. He was at it for about 40 seconds before the fire got going. "Nice work, Noel." Glenn praised the eleven year-old. Noel nodded and sat back down next to his sister, "we got a few rabbits earlier today if you want to eat them." Noel informed the group pointing to my rucksack, "there's also peas, carrots, beans, peppers and mushrooms in there." I spoke up, knowing that Noel didn't mention it because he didn't want to eat the peas or mushrooms or beans. "Naomi doesn't have to eat beans." I heard Noel mumble, I chuckle lightly, "that's because her farts could knock you out and I'm not willing to take that risk." Noel laughs lightly before getting up and helping Carol with the cooking.

"Can I hold her?" Lori questioned looking at Naomi, who was cuddling her stuffed turtle, I slowly nod and move slowly towards Lori cradling Naomi. "Can you keep her safe? I'm going to go on watch." I ask Lori as I hand Naomi over to her, "yeah of course," "If she needs anything, Noel can help you." I grabbed my bow, a cluster of arrows, a pliers, and my night vision binoculars, so I can man my ground when the sun goes down. I began to climb the fence, pliers in my mouth, I cut the barbed wire and tuck it away from where I was sitting. The wind kissed my cheeks as the sun began to set, I took down a couple of walkers.

Surviving Nyx (C.Grimes/TWD) {{ON HOLD}}Where stories live. Discover now