Chapter 17 - That Recovery Party

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Lewis' POV (still :D)

I walked into the kitchen where Lynelle was and she looked up

"you're finally free again" she said and hugged me

"well nearly I need to actually straighten my leg at some point and plus this crutch is still apart of my life" I said

"you'll get used to it just just go slow and try to pretend your leg has healed cause it honestly has it's just stiff" she said and I did "just let it rest for the next one or two weeks" she said

"those guys are just bragging about having a really hot nurse well I pretty live with one" I said

"shug up" she said

"aww come on I'm not lying she has a really nice accent as well" I said

"stop it you're leg ain't healed yet" she said

"fine then it's your call" I said

"I'll call the phone number when I need to, now here's your tea" she said and handed me my giant mug

"thank you" I said and sat down

"do you want a solitary biscuit on a plate" she asked making me laugh

"why no?t but make sure it's a small plate not a fucking dinner plate" I said she did as I said and gave me one of my favourite biscuits

"bought a new packet yesterday I had to hide it from you" she said

"well can't wait for the party later in around 2 weeks" I said they were planning on having a party for me when I can actually do stuff

"yeah now if you do get drunk you better be careful with your leg" she said

"yes Nurse Maskin" I muttered

"Lewis stop it" she whined I just kissed her on the cheek

"fine then" I said


We soon walked into Yogtowers

"Lewis it's finally off" Simon said looking at my leg. (OK guys just saying but I wrote this so it was set in for him to have a broken arm and I decided to change it to leg, now I definitely need to check by these chapters before posting them)

"thank the lord" Duncan said

■■■■■■■■AT THE PARTY 15TH FEBRUARY 2015■■■■■■■■

Lynelle's POV

I was sitting with Kim, Hannah and Minty while everyone else was just doing whatever in their drunk state.
Me, Kim and Minty weren't drinking but Hannah was a different story

"Hannah are you alright there?" Kim asked

"I'm fine" she said

"course you are" Minty said

"Jesus Christ the guys are going crazy" I said

"well what's Yogscast + Alchohol? Idiots that's the answer" Kim said

"you know what I'm gonna tweet this just look at them they're amazing" I said and took a picture of them all and tweeted it 'EVERYONE'S CRAZY FOR LEWIS' RECOVERY 'what's Yogscast + Alcohol? Idiots that's the answer' - YOGSCAST Kim 2015' I typed in and posted it and instantly started to get likes as always " man these guys, always being right on time. Soon Teutron walked over

"oh god Minty your guy is here and he's more drunk than ever" Kim said as he sat next to Minty (if you guys didn't know about this then you have not been on twitter here's a picture of them and I'll put their little moment on twitter at the bottom)

The New Member - (Discontinued move to New Love)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora