Chapter 72- EXTRA Alec's POV

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Alec woke the next morning from a hard session and grimaced at the pain his head. He looked beside him and eyes went wide as he looked at a naked Andrew Underhill beside him. He felt gross but he was sure he didn't do anything with him. He was almost positive because he was still dressed himself. He shoved at Andrew's back and the sleeping man woke up and grunted.

"What?" He whined as he looked at Alec.

"Why are you sleeping next to me? And naked?" Alec frowned.

"You said you didn't care. I asked you last night because I puked on my clothes and you said fuck it, just get in the bed and stop being noisy. So I did" Andrew said and rolled his eyes.

"Well, fine... as long as you didn't touch me" Alec said and stood up.

"Touch you? I tried to... but you punched me remember?" Andrew snorted as he got up.

"Vaguely" Alec shrugged.

"Look, you and I both know you have a high sex drive. We used to be at it all the time. You're not with Marcus now"

"Magnus!" Alec snapped as he interrupted him.

"Right, anyway... you're not with him now... so why don't we have a little stress relief time?" Andrew smirked as he walked to Alec and started stroking his arms.

"What are you doing?" Alec glared. He knew Andrew was right, he did have a high sex drive and knew it would help him feel better in the moment but he also knew he would feel like utter shit later on for doing it.

"You know what I'm doing... you want me... I can tell... you want to fuck me." Andrew whispered seductively into his ear. "I remember how good your thick cock felt in my little hole. How good it made you feel when I squeezed around your length. I can make you feel good. I can give you what you need"

"You... I... You don't know what I need" Alec stuttered, the feeling of Andrew's hand on his torso going lower to his jeans turned him on and he couldn't help it, especially with the words he was saying.

"I know what you need. You need to tie my hands behind my back and fuck my mouth... like you used to. Remember all the times you would use me, dominate me? I loved it. You loved it" Andrew said as he slowly got onto his knees in front of Alec and started to undo his belt. "You loved fucking my mouth, Daddy"

It was the last word that brought Alec back to reality. Daddy, that single word brought his head out the clouds and he pushed Andrew away. He grabbed his jacket, wallet and phone and left the apartment. He didn't look back or talk to the man that was on the floor and looking like he had been slapped.

Alec walked and walked for what felt like forever before appearing outside Jace and Clary's. He didn't know if Jace would want him there after everything but he had to try and fix it with his brother. He rang the bell and waited for what felt like forever before he heard Clary's voice.

"Hello? Who is it?" She called out in her sweet voice.

"It's me... I... Can I come up?" Alec asked worriedly.

"Alec? Oh my yes, yes come up!" Clary said and buzzed him in straight away.

Alec took the stairs up to their floor and grew more worried when he saw Jace standing outside the door which was shut. He was waiting for Jace to tell him to get lost, that he had lost him. He was not surprised when Jace walked over and punched him in the face but then gasped when his brother held him.

"You're a fucking idiot. A pain in the ass, Alec! Stop disappearing and stop making us all worry about you. Please just sort yourself out" Jace said as he held him, almost pleading to his brother.

"I... I will. I'm going to see a psychiatrist, I'm going to get myself better" Alec said as he held Jace back tight. Tears sprung to his eyes.

"I'll come with you. I'll do what ever you need for me to support you but Alec... this is the last time. I mean it. I can't keep doing this will you. I can't keep going back and forth after a break up or something gets tough that you run away and take drugs, drink and almost kill yourself. I can't do it anymore" Jace said honestly. "I can't watch my brother slowly killing himself. It's too hard"

"I promise. I'll get better... Just... Just please don't give up on me" Alec croaked out as he buried his face into Jace's neck. "I want Magnus. I want... I think I want Max"

"Then go and get your family" Jace said as he moved back and cupped Alec's face. "Magnus loves you. You love him. It's worth fixing then you need to fight for it. You need to accept the fact that Magnus has a son. You need to help him and be a dad. Max isn't going anywhere and the only one that can fix this... is you"

"I know. I know it's up to me to fix and I will... I need Magnus. Life is nothing without him and if that means me stepping up and having a kid then I'll do whatever I need to" Alec sighed.

"Then go and talk to him, go now and start sorting it out. It's going to take a lot of effort Alec" Jace smiled at him. "But I know you can do"

Alec hugged his brother one last time before leaving. He had to fix it with Magnus, he was terrified but he knew he couldn't live without him.

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