Chapter 39- Plans

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The next few days consisted of Alec helping Magnus to try and come to terms with his recent losses. Magnus had hardly gotten out of bed and didn't really have the motivation to do anything but was getting better day by day thanks to Alec, his friends and his therapist who had been over to see him at his apartment

That morning had been the first day that Magnus had pulled himself out of bed by himself, needing to take a shower and get some food. Alec had popped out to get some supplies and Magnus felt like he was becoming more and more of a burden to him which didn't help his depressive state. He knew he had a list of stuff that he needed to do so he pulled out his phone and went to open a new notes tab when he spotted his old one. The one he made when his dad had kicked him out.

Get a Job

Find a new apartment

Sort movers

Change all billing info

Change documents and addresses

Sort out life.

He smiled slightly at the fact that he could now tick them all off, all except one. The last one. He hovered over the completed button a little because he wasn't sure if at that moment he had sorted his life. He felt like he had before but now... now he didn't know. That was until Alec came through the door and smiled happily as he came over.

"Hey, look who's up. I'm proud of you" Alec beamed and kissed his head before heading off into the kitchen. Magnus knew at that moment that as long as he had Alec, his life was sorted and he would be okay as he clicked on the completed button "What are you doing?"

"I... I was making a list on my phone of things I need to sort out. Dad's and Camille's affairs need to be put in order. I need to tell our mutual friends but I may get Cat to do that for me" Magnus sighed. "and then there are the funerals..."

"Do you want me to speak to Cat? I know we've never met but I don't mind" Alec offered.

"No, I'm going to invite her round... would you just be here with me?" Magnus asked.

"Of course. You don't need to ask me baby" Alec said as he came over once he put everything away and pulled Magnus onto his lap for a cuddle. "So what's on this list then?"

"I haven't started it yet to be honest. I don't know where to" Magnus sighed looking at the blank notes page before he decided to just type away.

Call Cat to come over.

Sort Dad's and Camille's life in order

Plan funeral and double plot.

Headstone words.

"We don't need to worry about the last one until a year or so after the funeral so don't stress about that" Alec smiled, hoping to ease Magnus a little.

"Why not?" He asked confused.

"Well, you need to wait until the ground has settled after the funeral before putting a headstone down anyway so you don't need to stress yourself over finding the words you want on the headstone yet" Alec informed. Magnus nodded and smiled. He was glad he didn't need to sort that yet.

"I need to take a shower and sort myself out before I call Cat" Magnus sighed as he got up.

"Okay, do you want me to come with you?" Alec asked.

"Actually, can I be a pain and ask you to make me some food please?" Magnus asked. He knew Alec wouldn't mind but he still felt lazy when he asked.

"Of course. What do you want? Ham and cheese sandwich?" Alec suggested.

"Oh yes please, can I have it toasted?" Magnus beamed happily.

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