Chapter 48- Unknown

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The next morning, Magnus woke up and got undressed from his outfit before jumping into the shower. He had just gotten out when Alec came in and grumbled about as he kicked off his outfit and stumbled into the shower too. Magnus watched amused as Alec cleaned himself before raising as eyebrow as Alec came out.

"Morning and how are you feeling today?" Magnus asked.

"Head hurts..." He whimpered as he walked over to Magnus and held him close. His head rested on Magnus' shoulder as Magnus stroked his back.

"Come on. Let's get you some water and pain killers" Magnus said and kissed his head before they went back into the bedroom.

"Thank you. What would I do without you?" Alec sighed as he sat on the bed and watched Magnus get a box of painkillers out his suitcase.

"You would be fine. You would probably be less stressed without all the shit I've put you through" Magnus said sadly. The thoughts had been going on his mind since the conversation with Maryse last night.

"What do you mean? I'm not stressed. Why do you think that?" Alec asked, a hint of annoyance in his voice as he accepted the water bottle and pain killers from Magnus.

"I'm sorry" Magnus whispered. "I know you say that you aren't bothered by all this and that you don't regret getting with me but this... this isn't fair on you either. You got with me before all this drama started and I would understand if it was too much... if you wanted to leave"

"Stop it. You need to stop this now" Alec stated sternly. "I do not want to leave you. At all. The thought has never and will never cross my mind to leave you. Do you understand me? You need to stop thinking all this bullshit because it annoys me that you can't seem to see how much I love you and how much that without you, I am nothing. You are my everything and if anything were to happen to you... well... well I couldn't cope"

"Alexander..." Magnus swallowed, a little taken aback by Alec's sternness. "I just... I know you will be fine without me because you are strong"

"Magnus. Let me ask you a question" Alec said as he moved them to sit up. "What makes you think that you love me more than I love you? What would you do if something like this was happening to me? Or if something bad happened to me, what would you do?"

"I... I wouldn't be able to live without you" Magnus sniffed, the idea felt like a physical stab to his heart. "If you were ever going through this, I would stand by you all the way. I couldn't live without you"

"Right. So why do you doubt that I would do, feel and act the same way for you?" Alec asked as he started to get watery-eyed over the conversation.

"I... bec-... because I've never had it. The way everyone was with me last night and your mom hugging me. No one has ever loved me. Every love I knew was a lie and it was just words and I'm not saying that you are the same as them but... but it's still hard for me to accept that anyone could love me. That you could love me the way I love you is... is unbelievable" Magnus admitted as he cried quietly.

"Baby, I've never had it either. A love like ours I mean. Do you think there was anyone like you before you came along? Magnus, you need to start believing that I love you as you love me because it's unreal to me that you love me as much as I love you but I accept your words because it is possible" Alec croaked out. His tears now matching Magnus'. "Please believe me when I tell you that I'm not going anywhere"

"Oh, Alexander..." Magnus sobbed and leaned forward as he captured his lips. The kiss was wet but full of love as they tried to show each other how much they loved one another.

It was then that Magnus' phone rang and Magnus pulled away. He reached for his phone and frowned as he looked down at the number he didn't recognise. His hands began to shake as he realised how afraid he had become to even answer his phone. When the call cut off, Magnus sighed in relief but then froze as it rang again and he looked up at Alec. He didn't even have time to stop Alec before he took the phone from Magnus and answered it.

"Hello? Who is this?" Alec asked.

"Hello? Am I speaking to a Mr Magnus Bane?" The man on the other end of the phone asked.

"No. This is his fiancé Alexander Lightwood. Can I help you?" Alec pressed on.

"I'm afraid this is confidential. I must speak to Mr Bane only. Is he there?" The man enquired. Alec looked at Magnus before he continued himself.

"Can I ask who is calling first?" Alec asked cautiously.

"My name is Stephan Lee. Mr Bane will know my name"

"Stephan Lee? You know him?" Alec asked as he looked at Magnus. He didn't want to pass the phone over before he had confirmation but when Magnus frowned and reached out, he gave him the phone and sat beside him.

"Hello? Mr Lee? It's Magnus. Is everything ok?" Magnus asked.

"Ah, Mr Bane. I've been trying to reach you by email and letters but you haven't been responding. I need you to come into the office to go through your father's assets and estate. Would you be able to come over today? I'm reaching the deadline for this so I need it sorted" Stephan explained.

"Oh...Oh, I'm sorry Mr Lee. Things have been a little... difficult" Magnus sighed. "I can come in today. I will be over in the next hour. I will be bringing Alexander with me, nothing is confidential from him"

"I understand Mr Bane. I will see you both soon. Good-bye" Stephan said.

"Bye" Magnus replied before he ended the call and looked at Alec. "That my father's notary. I need to go to his office to sort out my father's stuff"

"Okay. Well, let's get sorted and go" Alec smiled and kissed Magnus' cheek before heading off to their cases to get their clothes.

"We really must put that stuff away you know. I can't see us leaving here anytime soon" Magnus chuckled slightly.

"I can't be bothered to be honest" Alec chuckled back as he handed Magnus his clothes. Something which Magnus loved. That Alec would pick out his clothes for him most mornings. Feeling happy and content that Alec approved and liked his outfits since he chose them.

"Thank you" Magnus smiled as he stood up and started getting dressed alongside Alec.

The two men dressed side by side before they tidied up a little and collected their phones and wallets. Once they were ready, they headed out the door and took the elevator down to the hotel lobby. Just as they were about to leave they were called over by the receptionist and Magnus sighed as he felt like this was just going to be more bad news.

"Hello Mr Lightwood, Mr Bane" The lady called Helen smiled.

"Hey, what's up?" Alec asked.

"So you've been with us for a few days and we need to know if you are going to stay longer and if so for how long so we can get you into our books properly?" Helen explained.

"We will be staying for at least the next week. If we are going to need longer, we will let you know a few days before. Is that ok?" Alec smiled.

"Perfect" She beamed happily. "Sorry for bothering you. I will put you down for the next week. Your total so for the 4 days you have already stayed plus these extra 7 will now be $2304.50. Is that ok?"

"Yeah, that's fine. We will sort the payment on the last day" Alec said.

"No problem. Have a nice day" Helen said and two men said bye before leaving the hotel and headed down the street hand in hand.

Magnus was feeling apprehensive about what Stephan was going to tell him and he couldn't help but hope it was good news. Magnus hoped that the 45-minute walk there would have helped to calm him a little but he was still nervous and didn't even realise that they hadn't spoken the whole way as he looked up at Alec and gave him a small smile.

"It will be okay. Come on" Alec smiled back and gave his hand a reassuring squeeze before they walked inside the notary's office.

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