Chapter 12: MayDay MayDay!

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Perversely on Jojo's Bizzare Adventure:

"With the cards of fate, the Tarot. Choose a card blindly and it shall be decided. This will suggest your fate, as well as suggest your Stand's power." said Avdol.

"The Star Card! Then I shall name your Stand, Star Platinum!" inform Avdol.

"All right, we're off!" said Joseph.

"Let's go!" said Joseph.


(Finally found no SFX opening)

( At the Airport)

Seven men at the airport waiting for the plane to be ready.

Joseph, Ceasar, and Avdol were talking about something. Leaving (Name) with two students.

(Name) looking inside his bag checking he has all his material for the trip.

"Hmmm..bottles check.. journal check..aid-kit check..snacks check..water check..." (Name) mumbled.

"Oi stops mumbling, it's annoying," said Jotaro.

"Well, I have to check if I had everything. I don't want to leave important stuff behind where facing Dio. I have to make sure if anything bad would happen, I came prepared." said (Name).

"But you don't need to, you have me to protect you," said Jotaro.

"Even so, I can fight for myself. I'm a skilled fighter, I trained for this day and I'm not gonna waste it. I can handle it" said (Name).

"But you don't have a Stand. How can you fight an opponent without a Stand?" said Kakyion feeling worried.

"Well, I can sense them. Even though I can't see them, I can feel their presence which it's useful. I know I'm up against. I not gonna fight blindly, I'm fighting with caution" said (Name).

"Really? How so" said Kakyion.

"It a secret," said (Name) while put his finger on his lip. His answer didn't make Kakyoin and Jotaro happy.

Kakyoin looked at (Name)' s hand and notices a ring around his finger.

"Hey, cherry is that ring? Are you married?" said Kakyion feeling jealous.

"Oh, This. It's my son ring. After he..." (Name) frown, "After he passes away," he said while looking sad.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you sad. I'm just curious" said Kakyion.

"Its find really. I adopted him when he was an infant. I know he at peace now. I have something to remember him" said (Name).

"So you're not married?" said Jotaro.

"Nope. I haven't thought of marrying someone. I have been busy lately and the thought just slips my mind" (Name) smiled, "Maybe someday I will find a partner and maybe have a child with them," he said.

"I can make that happen" Kakyoin and Jotaro though.

"Also Kakyion.." (Name) looked at Kakyoin, "Cherry?"

Kakyoin blushes, "A-Ah sorry! I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I just thought of giving a nickname that all."

"Well if want you too then okay," said (Name).

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