Chapter 2: The Pillar Men Awaken

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Key word:

(n/n)- nickname

(s/c)- Skin color

(h/c)- hair color

(e/c)-eye color

(f/c)- Favorir color


(3rd Pov)

After Stroheim pulled to the grenade to kill himself, He warns Joseph, "Our Wehrmacht, we-we didn't awaken Santana simply for scientific research or military gain. Santana is just the tip of the iceberg. The Wehrmacht has discovered another pillars in Europe. We now know that Santana is not only one of his kind. There are more pillar men out there, and they have power beyond our wildest imagination. For millennia, those powers have remained dormant but that won't last and soon they will awaken. You must find another weakness other than just sunlight, or all hope is lost."

"You will need more than just your Hamon to overcome them. You must go to Rome! there will find someone who can help you! It is someone that your Speedwagon knows very well

After he finishes, he said to Joesph "Farewell...You annoying Englishman!", then he exploded.

But that doesn't defend Santana. With cracking body, Santana flung himself at Joesph, "You annoy me, primitive. I will destroy you!"

Joseph steadied his breathing and his fist contact with Santana's fist. The force knocked Joseph toward the well.

"Primitive, why oppose me? You were doomed from the start", said Santana.

Joseph laughs, " I know just what you're going to say next. Youll says, "I've seen right through you all this time, Joestar."

"I've seen right through you all this time, Joestar." Santana was shocked.

While falling, Joseph then moved to his side and the well shines a bright light, hurting Santana.

Santana screams in pain.

"its noon over this well. The sun reflecting from the surface of the water should cook you nicely, although I doubt you even thought of that." Joseph stated.

" You were thinking about jumping under the nice cool water and getting out of the sun, right?" Joesph then takes a deep breath and stuck his foot into the well.

"Well, screw that ideas. I'm not letting you touch the water!"

Joseph presses his feet harder into the well and Santana screams in agony while his body crumbles into pieces.

In his last breath, he calls out a name in a whisper tone, "(N/N)........"

Joseph lays his head in the water, signing relies that he defeated Santana. And he starts to think what Santana said when he turned into stone.

"who the hell is (n/n)?"

(Time Skip)

In Rome, Speedwagon and Joseph meet an Italian man named Ceasar Zeppeli.

Joesph, Ceasar, and Speedwagon drove to the temple where the pillar men were slumbering.

At the temple, the German soldier was panicking.

"Look! There's something on his head. I don't think that was there before!" said one of the German soldiers.

"Calm down. They're just rocks as long they're under those UV lights. No need to worry. Now get a closer look! said the german dictator

The Fifth Pillar Men (Yandere JoJo's Bizarre Adventure x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now