As you sat there playing with your thumbs an idea struck you. You pulled up the cameras and watched as the team fought. Technically you weren't supposed to be observing them seeing as you had nothing to do with their missing but, when in Rome.

Your eyes flicked from camera to camera as you watched Clint take out soldiers with skillful shots and Hulk absolutely demolish a group of soldiers in an armored truck.

"Ooooo nice one big guy." You chuckled.

"How's it comin' along Romanoff?" Hill's voice sounded over the coms. You rolled your chair over to the panels where you were downloading everything before smiling. "We should be done in about 2 minutes," your smile faded as something on the cameras caught your eye. "Shit." You cursed as you rushed back over and navigated the cameras.

"What's wrong?" Hill sounded concerned. You didn't respond for a moment before groaning. "My mother is coming this way." You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth before rushing back to try and see if you could get everything to download faster.

"You're not to be seen, Y/N."

"I know Maria, I'm trying." You said in an exasperated tone as you began manually transferring files. "Come on, come on, come on..." you pleaded with the program, praying it would hurry up before your mother got to your door.

Only 5% to go. You wanted to breathe a sigh of relief but when your eyes flicked to the camera you saw your mother round the corner of your hall and freeze when she saw the blood on the floor. She pulled out her gun and held it in front of her and she spoke into her coms. You couldn't make out what she was saying and honestly, you didn't care, you had bigger problems.

"Fuckkkkkkkkkkkk." You groaned out and looked at the computer screen and saw you had 1% left. Your eyes flicked to the doorknob as it cautiously began to turn.

The door opened a second later as Natasha bust through the door with her gun drawn. She scanned the room, looking down at the three dead bodies at her feet. She glared as she scanned the otherwise empty room and walked over the center console that was left as you had found it. Looking at the cameras she tilted her head before looking around one last time. She raised her hand to her ear and pressed down on her coms.

"All clear." She said softly before walking out of the room. Once you had made sure she was gone you dropped down from the vent you were hiding in and let out a sigh of relief. "Alright Hill, I'm coming out."

Your heart was pounding out your chest as you made your way out of the room and back down the way you came. Once back outside you raced back to your Quinjet and hopped in. "God! Go GO!" You practically screamed in panic as Hill hurriedly took off into the air. You laid on the floor gasping for breath as you pulled the flash drives out of your pocket.

"Tell Fury I'm never doing something like this again."

You arrived back at the compound and headed straight to Fury. "Here's your information." You said placing the three flash drives in his hand. "I almost got caught and I have a sneaking suspicion that she knows I was there so if I die, I'm haunting your ass."

You say seriously as you walk to the door. "You have paperwork to fill out." You don't turn around and rush away towards your room. "I'll do it at school!" You call over your shoulder as you race to your room.

Your mother would be home any minute and you needed to rid yourself of your gear. Once you get to your room you strip down and hop in the quickest shower you've ever taken in your life.

You throw your suit back in the closet and quickly throw on a hoodie and whole shorts before jumping in bed. Not even two minutes later there's a knock on your door that sends your heart to your ass before your mother walks into the room.

"Hey, kiddo." She greeted as she walked into the room. Oh God, she knew. You could tell from the way she was trying to hide a smirk.

Or maybe she didn't. Maybe she was playing some of her evil spy mind games.

Yeah, that was it.

"Hey mom, how was the mission?" You asked trying to play it cool. She crossed her arms and leaned against the wall. "It was good," she said softly before meeting your eye. "How was yours?"

Your face paled slightly before you sighed. "What gave me away?" She scoffed and rolled her eyes before shaking her head. "Those three guards you left soulless were killed in more your style, quick and efficient."

"Well excuse me if I prefer to skip the dramatics." You replied dryly before sitting up a bit. "So how much trouble am I in?"

"Ya know I was very tempted to ground your ass because I told you to stay home, but I hear your mission went off without a single hitch." You looked over at her narrowing your eyes cautiously. "It would be cruel if I punished you for doing your job correctly."

A large sigh of relief left you as you smiled brightly and got up before walking over and hugging her with she quickly returned. "I'm glad you're safe." You and closed your eyes as you melted into your mother's embrace. "I am too, and I'm proud of your Y/N."

Just hearing those words set your mind and heart at ease.

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