Chp.9: Surpise shot

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If you're from the last chapter you better mentally prepare yourself for this. Anyway back to the usual.
TRIGGER WARNING: Gore, Injuries, Guns
Yaku snuggled up closer to Lev, Feeling the warmth of his breath now touching his neck. It was morning now and it appeared that the first one awake was Akaashi. He rolled out of bed, gazing softly at the sleeping Bokuto. He put on his casual clothes and picked up his phone to wait for the others to wake up. A few minutes pass and Bokuto start to fidget, turning over facing away from Akaashi. "Bokuto, Bokuto. Are you alright?" Akaashi whispered to Bokuto. He awoke with a fright and quietly said back "Akaashiiiii, I had a nightmare!"
"What was it Bokuto-san?" Akaashi asked.
"People didn't know what volleyball was!" He sobbed. Akaashi hugged him and told him everything was alright, brightening Bokuto's mood. Th next pair to wake up was Kuroo and Kenma, Kenma being the one to wake up first out of the couple. Moments after Kenma awoke, Kuroo woke up aswell. They went to check on Bokuto and Akaashi, after they had gotten changed of course, since they heard talking from their room. They all crept over to Yaku's room and slid open the door a tiny bit. They saw a snuggling Yaku and Lev. Kuroo tip toed in, waiting by the bed when suddenly "RAH!"
"AHH!" Lev screamed, Yaku jumped and sat up. "KUROO YOU BITCH!!" Yaku yelled. Kuroo was laughing. They all left them be and they got changed. They all headed downstairs for breakfast. Everyone was in the living room except Lev, who was in the kitchen making the breakfast.
The black figure returned, she stood outside the kitchen window wearing a smirk. She cocked the gun which made a loud noise, notifying Lev she was there. "Huh?" He murmured. He looked outside and saw her. Shock ran through his spine as she aimed her gun at him, to scared to shriek. Suddenly,
The kitchen window broke as the bullet crashed through it and into Lev's hip. That's when "ARRRGHHHH!!" Lev yelled, a spine chilling scream coming the kitchen. "What the fuck!?" Yaku jumped up and dashed to the kitchen the others followed. Yaku felt dizzy from the sight he saw. Lev was on the floor blood flooding out of his hip as he screamed in agony. "LEV!?" They Called to him. "Hm, while we're here let's take out a few more." She smiled, pulling down her hood to reveal her identity. Ryuuoke Satsumo. She lifted her gun and pointed towards Kenma, too shocked to look at her. "KENMAAA!!" Kuroo yelled, leaping infront of him. The gun was fired and struck Kuroo's arm, he fell to his knees but stayed put on protecting Kenma. "Kuroo! What the hell!" Kenma cried. Everyone ran into the living room apart from  Lev and Yaku. She walked past Yaku and into the living room. She cocked her gun once more. Akaashi was on the phone with the police, telling them what had happened. She shot at Akaashi but he and Bokuto quickly dodged, instead she shot a glass which exploded across the room. A chunk of glass cut Akaashi's hand, making him drop the phone in pain. Bokuto received the phone and continued the called, Calling for them all to come upstairs. Everyone headed upstairs. Apart from Lev and Yaku. Yaku was pissed. He could here he talking from the other room "aw shit I'm out of ammo." She said. Yaku stood up, after helping Lev of course. He turned and walked to the door of the living room. "Ah, forgot you were here." She simply said. He stomped towards her, then jumping at her giving her a nice kick. He took the gun from her and knocked her out with a blow to the head. He panted, out of breath from the small fight. He dropped the gun beside her and dashed to the kitchen, helping lev upstairs while he groaned in pain. After reaching the top step, the other came out to help, helping Lev onto a bed while he still cried in pain.

A few minutes later and an ambulance and a police car arrived at their house. Lev, Kuroo and Akaashi were taken to the hospital while Yaku, Kenma and Bokuto were asked to question what happened. Satsumo was taken into a police car and the gun was taken away from her.
"Anymore questions?" The police officer said. "Will they live!?" Yaku quickly added. "Akaashi will certainly live," He said, Bokuto feeling relieved."Kuroo will probably live," Kenma was worried but knew he would be fine. "And Lev...we're not too sure about him, he lost a lot of blood.." the officer said, Yaku on the verge of tears. The ambulances left and so did the police cars which left Bokuto, Kenma and Yaku. Kenma placed his hand on Yaku's should, he then turned around and hugged Kenma, breaking down into tears. "He'll be alright Yaku, Calm down.." Bokuto also joined in on this group hug. "We can visit them tomorrow Alright?" Kenma said, trying to cheer him up. Yaku stopped crying and nodded. His phone suddenly rang. "Hello?" Yaku answered it. His eyes widened. " long?" Yaku replied shocked. "Ok...bye." Yaku hung up. "What was it?" Kenma asked. "My mum is staying away for another 5 months. She said it was to get away from me." Yaku sighed. "Damn it!" Bokuto pouted. "What?" Yaku asked. "We could of said that to the police, they would've taken your mother away!" Bokuto pointed out. It was too late now.

Kenma and Bokuto agreed to stay with Yaku for the time being and would help around the house and have joke most of the time to cheer him up.
"DAMN ITTTT!!! WHY CANT WE GET PAST BON BON!" Bokuto yelled. Yaku laughed while Kenma focused on the game. The phone rang. "I'll get it!" Bokuto jumped up and ran towards the phone. "HEY HEY HEY!" He greeted the person on the phone. His eyes widened and so did his smile. "REALLY!?" He shouted, he sounded excited. "THANK YOU! BYE!" Bokuto hung up. "GUYS WE CAN VISIT THEM TOMORROW!" He jumped up and down. Yaku smiled and felt happy he could see Lev again. That's if he's even still alive.
IM SORRY!! But after this shit is going downhill :) I'm sorry again XD but anyway the next chapter should be out soon. Also the game they were playing is called Sister location, a horror game which I've played before it's really fun and scary ;w; Hope you enjoyed this and stay safe!😘
-Bløssøm Bløøm/Will

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