Chp.10: Gloomy Visit

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They arrived at the designated hospital and headed to the front desk. "Umm, we're here to see Kuroo, Akaashi and Lev." Kenma said. "You can visit Kuroo and Akaashi but Lev at the moment is unable to have visitors." The front desk person said. Yaku's heart dropped. "C-can we at least see what room he's in?!" Yaku blurted. A doctor came up behind. "Lev is actually awake right now so I guess we could have a visitor or two." He shrugged. Yaku suddenly became happy, they were directed to the right rooms. As they were walking down the corridors to the room a specific black haired boy came walking by. "So which room was Akaashi in again?" Bokuto asked the others for the 100th "If you're looking for my room, you're going the wrong way Bokuto-san." Akaashi smiled. Bokuto turned around and saw him. "AGAASHIII!" He yelled throwing himself into Akaashi's arms. "Bokuto, be careful! Remember he hurt his hand." Kenma warned him. "It's fine, I only had to get some stitches." Akaashi reassured them, "I'm actually heading to Lev's room." He continued. Yaku was about to burst "Take me with you!" He called out. "Ha ha sure." Akaashi Replied. Kenma was still focused on which room Kuroo was in. Akaashi pointed it out for him and Kenma found the right room. Bokuto followed the two since he wanted to go with Akaashi.
Room 409. Lev's room. Yaku was ready to go in. They opened the door and found Lev, lying there, unable to move. "Lev..!" Yaku cried. Lev groggily smiled. This hurt Yaku even more. How could he let this happened! Yaku walked up to bedside his bed with Akaashi and Bokuto trailing behind him. "H-hey Yaku-san." Lev Replied, his voice croaky. It was silent. The only thing you could hear was the heart monitor.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
After a bit of silence, Lev spoke up. "H-how's you're hand A-Akaashi?" He asked. "I'm doing fine, I got stitches so it should heal up in no time." Akaashi Replied. They didn't talk much.
Suddenly Lev fell unconscious and they we're all told to leave. As soon as the got out of the room, Yaku had a melt down. They decided to go check on Kuroo. They opened the door and Kenma was there. "Hey guys!" Kuroo said. He was in a better condition than Lev, that's for sure. "Oh, Akaashi! How did Lev look?" Kuroo asked. Akaashi covered Yaku's ears, "Worse than ever. He can barely speak and moving really hurts him." Akaashi sighed. Kuroo's expression suddenly dropped down, while Akaashi removed his hands from Yaku's ears. "Why'd you cover my ears?" Yaku asked. "You didn't need to hear it." Akaashi Replied. "To be honest, I don't think he'll be able to play volleyball again." Kenma looked down.
"Hey there, I'm Lev Hibata. A first year!" Lev chirped to the small Libero. "I'm Yaku Morisuke, A third year." Yaku replied. "You're a third year? You're so short!" Lev pointed out. To his dismay Yaku suddenly punched him. "HUH?" Lev heaved. "Don't call me short you Titan!" Yaku yelled. Yaku started to scold Lev while he rub the back his neck, laughing.

"What's Lev to you?" The councillor asked. "He's...He's....My everything. Sure he may pisses me off, but without him I'm just a guy from a team. He's what makes us all complete. He's my reason I'm still here today.." Yaku replied, looking away. "What did you do." The councillor quickly added, hearing the last statement. "...Something I regret..." Yaku clenched his fists, holding back his tears.
This part happened before the love drama.
Yaku had first came out to his dad. To his surprise he wasn't supportive. "Why the fuck are you gay? You disgusting human being. Be normal for once and stop wasting your time playing a stupid sport and help out the family." His dad hissed, pushing yaku the floor and hitting him. Yaku had, had enough. He thought that it'd better if he never existed beside, Nekoma already had another Libero. He picked up a pen and wrote a note. It said:
Dear whoever reads this,
By the time you read this I'll already be where I need to be. Obviously I'm not needed here in the world.
I just want to say this before I go. Kuroo, you were an amazing supportive friend.
Lev, You're annoying as fuck but still were an amazing friend.
Kenma, you're also a great friend although we don't talk that much.
And to the rest of Nekoma and the teams. I hope we make it to the nationals, you all are amazing. Wish I was there to see how well you all would do :) I'm only going to jump it won't be that bad, trust me.
From yours sincerely,
Yaku Morisuke
Farewell my friends.
Lev was shaking as he held the paper in his hands. He knew where yaku was, since there was a bridge near by. Kuroo and Kenma were behind him, confused on why Lev had started to run out of the house. He reach the bridge and yaku was already there. "YAKUUU!!" Lev screeched, his heart raced as he saw his friend so close to the edge. Yaku smlied cheerfully before he leapt in the air, waiting to plunge down. He start falling then stopped. Lev was holding Yaku's hand. "Let go!" He sobbed. Lev was crying. "NO! I WON'T LET YOU DO THIS!" He cried. Kenma and Kuroo suddenly came out of no where and saw Lev crying while he bent down, clutching onto someone. "YAKU, PLEASE DON'T GO!" Lev yelled. Kenma and Kuroo started sprinting towards Lev's side. They both helped Yaku back up and immediately hugged him. "Stop this. You're making everyone worried about you. You know we all care about you." Kuroo hugged him tight.
~back to now~
"Is this how Lev felt when I..." Yaku didn't even want to say the word, because Kuroo stopped him. "Yes." Akaashi and Bokuto were confused but went with it.
They all left the hospital, but as they were walking through the hall ways they heard a doctor say "The patient in room 409 health is going down, I'm not sure he's gonna make it."
They left the hospital, Yaku in tears, Kenma with a straight face, and Bokuto hugging Akaashi telling him to never leave him. Yaku hated this. They all headed home, Akaashi coming with Bokuto to Yaku's house. To try and cheer them up, they decide to play more games. During this, again like last time they got a phone call. "I'll get it." Yaku shrugged, standing up and walking over to it. "Hello?" He questioned the caller. Suddenly tears burst down his face. "...N-no..." yaku whispered, gazing at the floor. He looked traumatised.
cliffhanger time ;) anyway this was one dark chapter but I hope you enjoyed and cried :,) I almost did writing this. Chapter 11 should be out soon idk when but soon. Anyway hope you enjoyed and stay safe!😘
-Bløssøm Bløøm/Will

🍁A Weeping Lover🍁~Yakulev/Levyaku AngstOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora