Just mind your own business Josie.

I focus my attention on my History textbook, as I wait patiently for Mr Alexander to come in.

Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, he settles himself down right by my side.

Do I feel scared a bit? Definitely. But I can't let him know that.

One thing I'm good at is hiding my sad feelings or fears, and covering them all up with confidence.

That's what got me into this situation in the first place, so it'll probably get me out. I hope.

"Hello jerk face." I say to him after a lot of hesitation, since he still hasn't acknowledged my presence.

All he does is take one look at my direction and then turn away under a second. Wow, rude much?

"I thought being cute comes with a bit of friendliness," I murmur to myself, but unknown to me, loud enough for him to hear.

I focus my attention back on my textbook and ignore his existence completely.

Mr Alexander walks in a few minutes after. Time for another boring 45minutes of my life. Why does this have to be the first lesson of the day? Sigh.

After about twenty minutes of torture, I'm at the point where I earnestly try to prevent my eyelids from closing.

"... the first set of freed slaves settled in the coastal areas..." Mr Alex rambles on.

"BORING!" I say to myself.

"I know right?"

What! Did that jerk face just reply me?

"Oh, so you speak?"

"Being cute comes with a bit of friendliness I guess." He says with a smirk on his face.

He heard that?!

Calm down Josie, just ignore the guy.

"I'm Jake by the way." He speaks again.

Oh so now he wants to talk. Some guys and their silly ego.

I decide to let it go anyway and just talk to him. Life's too short to hold grudges these days.

"I'm Josie, the girl you still owe some fries."

And for the first time, I hear him laugh. Hmm, maybe he isn't as bad as people say after all.

We both try to keep each other awake during the remaining twenty-five minutes of the class, as he keeps on ranting about the fact that I called him cute.

Oh and luckily for me, that's the only class we had together that day.

• • •

After a stressful day at school, I finally leave for my evening shift at Winners, the small restaurant where I work as a waiter. The name is cheesy I know, but as long as I'm getting my pay, I'm good!

I rethink of how my boss, Mrs Mara, has been really good to me. She offered me this job, an apartment to live in and even cut out fifty percent of the rent, when she found me on the street about two years ago; very miserable if I may add.

I arrive at work a bit early, which is good because I get to have a quick rest from my walk here, before I finally get down to business.

As I get in through the back door to change into my uniform, I see an exhausted Melissa running towards me with her cute puppy eyes but tears streaming down her face.

Melissa hardly cries so this has got to be something big.

"Josie, please I need your help." She manages to say, as she struggles to catch her breath.

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