Unable to hold my breath any longer I gasped and water filled my lungs. I outstretched my hands and activated my quirk hoping someone would be able to see the brief flickers of flames before they were snuffed out by the water. Something dove into the water above me as the edges of my vision began to blur. My eyes fluttered closed and my body tried to take in another breath only succeeding in filling my lungs with more seawater. Strong arms encircled me as I began to slip from consciousness and for the first time in years I felt a sense of safety and security.


I woke to the feeling of someone's lips on mine and the painful sensation of them forcing air into my seawater filled lungs. My soaking wet gown weighed a ton and felt like it was crushing my already tender ribs. I coughed up an alarming amount of seawater and nearly drowned myself again as I coughed it back up. Strong arms gently pulled me into a sitting position to avoid drowning myself. A warm comforting hand rubbed my back consolingly as I coughed and desperately filled my lungs with sweet yet briny oxygen.

I turned to my rescuer and burst into tears as I spotted All Might smiling down at me with his trademark smile. I threw my arms around him with a cry, "All Might!"

He caught me in his arms and hugged me close, "it's alright now." He cooed softly, "I got you." I finally felt safe, in his strong arms. "You're safe now, Enya."

I clung to him tightly and felt everything I'd tried to hold back and keep bottled up over the past few years start to overflow. He rocked me in his arms and let me cry myself out without complaint, rubbing my back every now and again to remind me he was still here for me. Once I'd finally calmed down, a police officer approached us. He spoke quickly in English to All Might. My English wasn't good enough for me to follow their quick conversation but it seemed like the officer was asking him if he knew me, they hadn't been able to find my ID in my bag, because I hadn't brought any ID, I was supposed to be disappearing completely.

All Might reassured the officer that he knew me. The officer seemed relieved and asked him if he could take my statement since they didn't have anyone who spoke fluent enough Japanese on staff. He nodded.

I saw a few officers wheeling two stretchers with black body bags atop them away to a coroner's van and felt my heart shatter all over again. Mei! Another fresh wave of tears began to fall. All Might looked at where my gaze had drifted, "you knew them?"

I nodded and his trademark smile faltered.

"Did you want to see them, before they take them away?" He asked unsure, "say your goodbyes?"

Not sure my voice would actually work as my throat felt raw from all my crying, I nodded.

He helped me to my feet before realizing the sopping wet gown was too heavy for me to move in and swept me into his arms. The officers wheeling the body bags away were kind enough to give me a moment to say my goodbyes to my driver and Mei. I hadn't been very close to my driver, he'd been fairly new, all I knew was his name was Masaru and he had a soft spot for strays and loved old sitcoms. When it came time to say goodbye to Mei, I broke down again.

All Might consoled me, rubbing my back gently and offered me support as I said goodbye to my best friend. I felt cold and numb.

"Where are you staying while you're in town?" All Might asked me quietly once the bodies were wheeled away and I'd stopped crying.

I hesitated.

All Might frowned, "you don't have a place to stay?"

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