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"He is just eighteen will soon rock nineteen. He is one hella talkative and wants to get married very soon." Falak shook her head at the thought, he really is getting married soon though, she can't believe their mother and the King agreed to it so quickly. The boy knows just how to get his way when it comes to his parents.

"Wow, just as determined about love as us." Mari grinned but it faltered at the thought of her own life. Her life has been a ride she wouldn't want even her enemy to be on that boat. 

Wow, she's been though a lot and she still could smile, Falak thought bitterly. She wouldn't have being sitting there with them if she was in her shoes. Honestly, Mari is stronger than she's thought all those years. The woman is among the top two strongest she knows. One of them being her mother then the next is Mari, she is strong as heck.

The burning need for avenging her friend burned through her like searing volcano burning through the stones. She never felt anything so hot and unnerving as she did at that moment. There are a lot of things she wants to do to make her friend happy and she will need Shaddad's help with that. Her husband will be her support and she knows that but what she didn't want to go through is everyone knowing what happened to her friend. It is something personal that not everybody should know about.

They need to bring down this people for good and make sure they don't poison their society again. Things like that still happen and Falak can't believe. She was too into her own life to know about the struggles outside the palace. She needs to leave the palace for a little and hear about people's struggle in the world. Not everyone's life is all rainbows and unicorns, some don't even know those things.

Maybe it is time she step up her game as the next Queen in the state. She needs to work alongside her mother and bring justice to women out there that are suffering because of nothing. Women are suffering across the globe because they are born females. Some can't fight back while some are tamed by force which they can't take out on. She wants to fight everyone and bring back a home for any woman living in that town, she can't say the world. It's a hard and long process, but she feels determined to do so.

No doubt, her sisters in-law and friends will help her accomplish that. No one wants to see another woman suffering just because they can't raise their voices up to the authority or because the word has just turned upsidedown for the sake of it. The government hardly get to know what happens when the powerful rich ones stamp on their mistakes to hide away anything that could land them in jail or put their reputation at stake. They know how to make their work clean, she will give them that. They know just how to hide away what they are doing bad from their family, some don't even try.

They tend to forget that closing their children at home won't help anything after they finish tarnishing other girls' lives outside. They can't escape from Allah when he promised to do something. Hiding them away or taking them to another country or getting them married at a tender age won't stop a thing from happening. They have inflicted a lot of girls that leave them traumatic and depressed for the rest of their lives. They get suicidal thoughts so often that you'd think how on earth they are still living the suffocating breath surrounding the world.

Some around five percent manage to come out of those depressing time but ninety percent of them don't and can't. While the other five end up committing suicide just to escape the pain and fingers point at them for mistakes they never intend to do. For something they have no right to stop from happening because they are Females!

She honestly thought those things don't exist, she hardly watch the news but she will start joining Shaddad. The thing is getting out of hand and the true saying is, you never get the bad feeling of something happening to others till it happens to someone close to you. She knows how it feels and hope she will be able to wipe other people's tears. She just needs that little push, and she will act upon it quick.

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