Chapter 6.

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Adapting to her new life wasn't difficult at all, but Fallon couldn't help but feel guilty for leaving Phoenix alone in Windhaven. Her mind was wandering to unforgettable memories with her best friend, wishing he could see the view before her eyes, the view she'd gotten used to and dreaded ever leaving when Cassian and Azriel came out.

In her weeks here she'd learned how to sense them before they were behind her. She'd had to learn it because Cassian'd been having way too much fun scaring her.

They plopped down on the chairs next to her, their membraneous wings spreading behind them, and Cassian said, "We're doing a check-up at some Camps."

Fallon turned to face Cas, not sure if this was an invitation or just them letting her know what was going on. "Are you visiting Windhaven?" Fallon's heart hurt when she thought of Phoenix again. She really missed him.

By the sympathetic look in Cassian's eyes and by the way Azriel wouldn't face her, Fallon assumed she couldn't come with. She wouldn't be able to see her best friend. Just like the last few times.

"We're visiting four camps and Windhaven is the third on that list," Fallon was surprised at the gentleness of Azriel's voice, "we can't spare that many people for as long as we'd be gone."

Fallon's face fell, and she failed to put on an understanding smile. She did understand why she couldn't come. Her job was to be here and guard the city, not visiting other places. But it still sucked.

Azriel must have noticed how down she was because he suddenly stood up, "I'll try to find a way for you to visit Windhaven without affecting the protection of the city."

Before Fallon could even thank him, Azriel stood up and went back inside.

When she shot a confused look at Cassian he just shrugged, "That's just Azriel."

Just Azriel?

The more time she spent here, the more she noticed the roles of the friends in their little group. Mor was the fun and upbeat spark, Amren the one who'd never admit she loved them although she obviously did, Cassian was the joker who knew how to ease the tension, and Azriel was the most thoughtful of them all, Fallon thought.

In his little - mostly unnoticed - ways he made sure everyone was happy and safe. And he never asked for a thank you.

"Why is Azriel so reserved?" Fallon asked Cassian who was almost asleep in the chair next to her. She wanted to understand him better, but didn't want to push him in case he wouldn't want to share.

"Nobody told you?" Cassian seemed to be thinking over how much to tell her, or whether to tell her anything at all.

Fallon locked eyes with Cassian, letting him know it was fine even if he didn't tell her.

But Cassian sighed, his wings rustling behind him as he stretched them, "Azriel has a difficult past," his eyes were clouded by distant memories, "when he'd lived with his father, stepmother and two step brothers Azirel's life was little short of imprisonment."

Fallon shivered and Cassian looked at her, "He wasn't allowed to use his wings for eleven years."

As Illyrians, wings were their pride and Fallon's heart broke for the boy who couldn't use his birthright, who couldn't fly.

Cassian's tone grew somber but also angry, "While living with them he was locked in and ..." he paused again to face Fallon. "Have you ever wondered how he got the scars on his hands?"

She had. The first time she'd seen them she'd almost asked Azriel, but then swallowed her curiosity. If he'd meant to tell her, he would have, and now she wasn't sure if she was supposed to be hearing this. Still, she couldn't help the dread building up in her stomach.

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