Kylo stood up and walked over to Amida. He placed his hand on her shoulder awkwardly. She looked up at him. Her eyes red and puffy, her expression looked like if she could break down any second "Nightmares?" He asked, Amida nodded and let out a shaky breath "I was wondering" She paused for a second and she looked down at her feet "Do you have somewhere where you can watch the stars?" Kylo nodded and walked out of his room. Amida frowned and looked at him "Come along" He said, Amida quickly walked after him.

Instead of walking straight to the room, Kylo Ren walked the other way. He dodged the commant room to keep Amida from seeing the rebellion. He knew she would find out. Probably tomorrow, but she would be with Hux and not with him. He didn't know how she would react.

Would she break down? Try to stop them? Kill everyone? He didn't know, what he did know was if she tried, she would be able to do it. That scared the shit out of him. Kylo was lost in his thoughts until Amida cleared her throat.

He looked down at her "We're standing in front of the door for almost five minutes" She said, looking up at him. Ren frowned and looked at the closed door inform of them. He shook his head and opened it.

Everything was black, well everything except for the glass ceiling and the big window. Amida looked up with an open mouth. She smiled wide. Kylo walked towards in front of the window and stood their. With his hands on his back he watched the stars and the TIE-Fighters.

"That one looks like your saber" Amida said, Kylo turned around and saw Amida laying on the ground. She looked at the stars above her "Lay down, you can see it better that way" She said while pointing to the stars above her. Kylo hesitated but then lay down next to her.

"You see?" She asked "I do" He said and he looked at her. He couldn't see her that well because the lights were off "Why star gazing?" He asked, Amida lowered her hand and lay it on her stomach next to her other one "We always did this when i got nightmares" She said, he could hear her smile. He frowned at we "Solo, Chewbacca and me used to climb on the falcon and we would stay up all night" She turned to her father "Did you ever do that?" She asked. Kylo looked into her eyes and saw tears in them. He nodded slowly, she smiled as response.

They both looked at the stars. A peaceful silence fell upon them. A tear rolled out Amida's eye as she thought of other memories of Han "Are you alright?" Kylo asked after swallowing. He felt sick, he knew why she was crying. He felt sorry for her "I just really miss him" She said sniffing her nose. More tears escaped her eyes. She sat up, Kylo did the same. Ren felt tears form in his eyes while watching his daughter.

"Stardust-" He began but he was cut off "I just don't understand" She said as she placed her head on her crossed legs. Kylo swallowed again "Why did you kill him?" She asked and she looked at him. She saw tears in his eyes "People make mistakes, i make mistakes. I thought that, killing him would help me rise in the dark side" He looked down at his hands "It didn't" He sighed "And i am deeply sorry for hurting you" He said and he looked up at her, a tear escaped his eye.

Amida looked at her lost father "I hated you" She began. Ren only nodded in understanding, he understood that she would always hate him "But it turns out, you are not the monster everyone says you are" She whispered and Ren let out a shaky breath "You remind me of my mother" Kylo said "You remind me of your father" She said smiling. Tears escaped her eyes. Kylo hesitated but he did it. He hugged her, she lay her head on his chest as he wrapped his arm around her tiny body.

She cried into his chest. After an hour She calmed down and fell asleep in his arm. He carefully picked her up and walked back to her room, carrying her in bridal style. The door of her quarters opened and he lay her down on her bed "Goodnight stardust" He whispered while kissing her forehead. He walked to the door and opened it "Goodnight dad" She whispered back. Kylo stopped dead in his tracks. He took in what she just said dad. He smiled the way back to his quarters and he went to bed with a smile.

Kylo and Hux stood in the control room. Watching the rebellion as they talked about their plans "The jedi?" Hux said surprised, kylo nodded "General, we tracked three rebels on board" A officer said, Hux snapped his head towards him "Find out what their plans are, inform Captain Phasma" He said disgusted "Where are the twins" Hux asked while he looked back to the ship of the rebellion.

Just as Kylo was about to answer, the door slit open and Amida walked in. In her hands she helt a pile of books that covert her face. She had a loose braid in her hair and she wore the usual first order attire.

"They are supposed to be training" Ren answered before turning towards Amida "Hi dad" She said smiling trying to look past the books in her hands "General," She began and she put the pile on the ground "The four books on top are yours and the other ones are mine, i thought that maybe you wanted to try out something new" She said smiling looking at him "Thank you-" Gener Hux tried to thank her but Ren stepped towards his daughter.

"I thought i told you to train with your brother" He said while he placed his hands on her shoulders "I did" She said looking up at him "That's not long enough" He said shaking his head "Well you see, i was fighting Ushar and i accidentally broke his arm" She said biting the inside of her cheek "You broke his arm?" Ren said unbelievable "Accidentally" She said with raised eyebrows.

"Lord Ren" An officer said, the three looked at him. Amida chuckled "We've located a escape pot coming into our range" The door slit open and the knights of ren walked in, with Ushar in front of the rest "Shouldn't you be in the hospital wing?" Amida said to Ushar "No" He answered simply "No? I just broke your arm!" She said in confusion, Ren looked down at her and she looked up at him "Accidentally" She quickly added "I want a rematch" Ushar said "Very well" Ren said and he pushed Amida towards the knight while he closely walked behind her. The knights of Ren and Amida were just about to walk out the control room when the officer spoke again.

"General, we've located the rebels" Amida stopped walking, causing Ren to bump into her. Amida turned around towards the officer. Ren carefully lay his hands on her arm, in case she would run away. Hux who didn't pay attention asked him a question "Do we know who?" The officer swallowed "One of the rebels is FN-2187, he is accompanied by a girl named Rose Tico and their droid BB-8" The officer said calm.

Ren made fist of his hands, Amida grabbed her change and walked over to Hux "Ren" Hux said calmly and Ren snapped out of his angry thoughts and grabbed Amida by her wrist "Ren let go-" She said through gritted teeth while Hux started to talk.

"Tell me officer, how is it possible that the rebels that are in this ship landed without us noticing" Hux said a little more angry "I don't know sir-" He was stopped by Hux "You didn't see it on the computer and no one noticed with his own sight!" He yelled "The ship is right there!"

Amida looked at Hux his finger that pointed towards the window. She furrowed her brows and shook of her father's hand. She ran towards the window and lay one hand against it. Her eyes widened "Who knew?" She asked without looking away "Everyone" She heard Hux say. She could hear him smirk. Everyone knew and she didn't find out, everyone knew and nobody told her. Not even Daniël, not even her father.

She balled her hand and ran towards Hux. He looked frightened while Amida jumped and wrapped her legs around his neck and he fell on the ground "Get her off of me!" He yelled while trying to block her hits but she was too quick and hit him on his cheek. Leaving a cut on his cheekbone.

Ren snapped out of his thoughts and ran over to Hux and Amida. He wrapped his arms around her tiny body and lifted her up. She kicked the air and screamed while tears left her eyes "Let me go!" She yelled. Ren turned his back towards the general "Stop firing!" Amida saw the rebellion ship one more time before the only thing she saw were the masks of the knights of ren.

Kylo released her and she fell on her knees. Vicrul grabbed her forearm and lifted her up. She turned facing her father "Being her to her quarters" Kylo swallowed and talked with pain in his voice. Amida had pain in her eyes "I hate you" She said while a salty tear rolled down her cheek.

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