"Watch it," Rose says, putting extra effect into sounding harsh.

Rose picks out a few dresses to try on, not sure on what she wants to go for exactly. She makes a joke to Kelsey about how most of her choices will probably get her slut shamed, Kelsey laughing along in shock.

Rose leaves her bag outside with Kelsey when she's trying on the dresses, playing around every time she comes out to show her. So far none of the dresses she pulled she's liked on, probably because she's her own harshest critic. Kelsey offers to go look for some, Rose accepting her help.

Rose founded it somehow amusing how she can from last night's confidence to today, hating everything she tries on. Rose puts it down to the fact she feels like shit, which is true but still hates the thought of that she knows most of them look good. She just can't get herself to actually believe it.

Kelsey comes back with a few dresses that surprisingly Rose likes, she's half way through putting one on when she hears Kelsey yell out, "hey I think your phone is ringing." Rose, not caring about who it could be asks Kelsey to check who it is.

"Uh it's Noel" she hears Kelsey squeak.

Of course it's fucking Noel. Who else would it be it's not like Rose has any other fucking friends. She doesn't even freeze at the feeling of kind of being caught, just groans and snaps the curtain open. "For fuck sakes" she mumbles to, well Kelsey before grabbing her phone.

"Do I answer it?" she asks like a child.

Kelsey shrugs, "are you guys okay?"

Rose chuckles, "are we ever?" before deciding to swipe left and answer it.

Noel Miller


"And a good morning to you too."

"I'm busy."

"Doing what? Being hungover?"

"I'd punch you if I could right now."

"Looking forward to it, I just wanted to check you were alive and didn't die of alcohol poisoning."

Rose pauses, finding it sweet but clears her throat to try push past it

"That's cute. I'm fine."

"Good. So what are you busy doing?"

"Why do you care?"


"Looking for a dress."

"Who's funeral?"

"Haven't decided yet. Yours probably."

"Is that all you wanted?"



"Okay, see you around?"


"Hey Noel?"


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