First all the woman curtsey and then the men bow, each person acknowledging their partners presence before the dance begins.

The first dances are very fast paced leaving no time to talk, only smile and try to keep in time with everyone else, however the music eventually slows down and Killian gently pulls me into a closer hold.

One hand is at my waist, the other interlocked with my own hand and in that moment, I feel safe. Although surrounded by nobleman, both lords, ladies and knights, I know that I will face no harm.

"I did not expect you to be at the bottom." I say, looking up at his face, suddenly noticing a freckle on his cheek.

"Did you not wish for me to be there?" He says slowly, spinning me.

"Knights do not take commoners to balls," I reply from under his arm before returning to a hold, "it is unheard of."

He leans in slightly and whispers in my ear, sending shivers up my spine, "You did not answer my question."

I hesitate before replying, "I was glad that you were there."

He nods but doesn't continue on that subject. We continue dancing making light conversation whenever a slow dance occurs and laughing when it is an energetic one. I occasionally cross paths in the group dances with Sage and am relieved to see him also having a good time.

"Who knew that the stuck up nobles would ever let loose and dance like this," Sage whispers to me.

"It is not that different to our own village dances," I reply, "they just like to do it in large banquet halls,"

"And don't forget the fancy, but very uncomfortable clothes!" Sage adds, laughing before I am spun out of his arms by my next partner who turns out to be Killian.

Eventually the dance comes to an end and instead of continue right into the next one, Killian surprises me slightly by asking, "Will you take a walk with me?"


We stop dancing and he leads me off the dance floor by my hand and through a small door at the side of the room. We pass Sage on our way out and he wiggles his eyebrows at me to which I shake my head at.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"I want to show you something."

"A small confined passageway?" I ask, looking around at the small passageway that we are in.

"No, why would I want to show you that?" He looks at me bemused, "Quite the opposite in fact, we are going up here,"

We turn off the small dimly lit passageway into an even smaller stairwell.

"Is it safe?" I peer questioningly at the steps, each one with dips moulded into the rock from the many years of people walking on them.

"Of course. I wouldn't put you in danger." He says seriously.

We continue to climb round and round the stone staircase, higher and higher, the temperature dropping until we finally reach the top.

"You ready?" Killian asks with a smile.

"I am not sure what for, but yes,"

"Come over here to the door then,"

I edge over to him, curious. He places his hands over my eyes, "Killian, what are you doing?"

"Just trust me," his calm voice putting me at ease.


I feel him push open the door with his leg and a blast of cold air hits me, we must be going outside.

"Walk forward slowly," he tells me, "mind the step."

I carefully place my feet in front of me, going over the step that he warned me of.

"Blimey it is freez—" he lifts his hands, "wow."

The view before me is priceless. The mountains stand strong in the distance and winding out from between them is the Kairos River, a ribbon of moonlight in the dark land, reflecting the moons beams.

"This is beautiful,"

Killian looks at me, "I agree."

He takes my hand and pulls me to the other side of the turret, "You can see the lights of Sanlowe in the distance,"

He is right, far in the distance the fires of Sanlowe burn as little twinkles.

"I can't believe how close we are till the end of this journey, where will you go next?"

Killian takes a moment to respond and then finally does, "Home."

"Say hello to Leo from me please,"

"I will, he will be pleased that you remembered him,"

"Of course."

I rest my arms on the ledge and gaze out into the darkness, taking a moment to absorb the serenity of the night.

"Thank you,"

Killian turns to me, "For what?"

I continue looking out at the dark landscape, "For showing me this, for showing me that knights are not all bad... for showing me many things."

"No," he says, voice slightly rough, brimming with emotions. I look up at him he raises one hand gently to my cheek, "Chérie, it is you that have shown me so much."

"Killian," I murmur, my mouth suddenly dry.

I glance down at his lips and his eyes darken with a burning fire.

The air between us suddenly feels alive; everything is magnified.

My heart skips a beat.

"Ell," he breathes. He is so close now that I can see golden speckles in his eyes that I have never seen before. Killian hesitates for a second, as if asking 'is this okay?' I give a slightly nod which is all he needs.

Our lips meet in a soft embrace, sending a wave of heat through me to my stomach. I run my hand through his hair and he gently holds my waist in his large hand. 

For a few shorts moments I forgot where we are, who we are, and instead I am just a girl kissing a boy under the night sky, wrapped up in emotions.

It is only when I start feeling a coldness on my face that I pull back, looking up at the sky above only to find white crystals falling down though the air towards us. 

"Snowflakes," I breathe.

"Snowflakes," Killian echoes with a smile. 

The snow has arrived at last. 


Ahhhh! They finally kissed! 

Took them long enough ahaha! 

Hope you all enjoyed, this chapter was for the romance lovers (myself included aha)!

SouthernAlps over and out...

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