43. Swamped by maidens

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The walk down to the village square is an entirely different journey to the one up. The village gets swallowed up in darkness either side of the main street, the only light shine brightly from the procession which snakes both forwards and backwards, a ribbon of light tumbling down the hill.

All around us people are carrying torches and lanterns, ranging from small simple designs to elaborate masterpieces.

"I think that when I get back home I shall try and introduce a festival similar to this," Sage says.

"That is a good idea," I nod, "I have never experienced a festival at night before and now that I am finally I am realising how much of a different feeling it is."

"That is what I am thinking too, although I love festivals such as midsummer, having one at night with lanterns has such a mystical feel to it, Isabel would love this."

"When you get back you should make her a lantern as a gift."

He smiles and starts talking excitedly, "That's a great idea! I can put the shapes of her favourite flowers on it!"

"Yes!" I inwardly aww at their relationship, they are two souls that are meant to be together, "Again, thank you for coming with me, I am very grateful that you did."

Sage pulls me in for a quick side hug whilst we walk, "I am enjoying this trip very much, for starters I now know basic sword fighting and I am looking forward to seeing my family again, a little break away from Isabel is okay once in a while, she understands."

"All of that is very true, learning the basics of how to use a sword has been very enjoyable!"

"I just hope I don't ever have to use them to defend myself," Sage says with a shudder.

"Agreed," I nod.

"And this is why I never considered becoming a knight!" Sage laughs.

I nudge his shoulder, "And the aside from the knowledge that you not born of noble blood!"

"Minor details there," He says shrugging me off with a grin, "talking about soldiers, where has our knight got to?"

"I have not the faintest idea," we split briefly apart to avoid some people stopped in the centre of the road and I am forced to call out my next words over their heads, "I thought he would be with you!"

"Nay lassie, I saw him only once this morning," Sage suddenly lets out a laugh and I wrinkly my eyebrows confused.


"Poor man, was totally swamped by maidens vying for his attention."

And now it is my turn to laugh at the thought of Killian being the victim of interested ladies. I can just imagine him trying to do a task, stone faced and serious, trying to ignore their twittering, but then another thought strikes me, what happens if he actually enjoyed it and talked back?

"Ell?" I hear Sage speak.

"Sorry I missed your last question, what did you say?"

"I asked if you knew whether Killian had a lass waiting for him back home."

I shake my head, "It has never come up in conversation,"

"Hmm, I think if Isabel were not my one true love, I would go for him," Sage says so seriously that I almost believe him if it were not for the cheeky glint in his eye.

"Maybe you should go join the maidens as well and fawn over your knight." I suggest as we reach the village square.

"Maybe I should!" We walk over to a line of people in a queue for apple bobbing, "Or maybe, you should."

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