Chapter 36: Yang vs Mercury

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"Now, for the moment you've all been waiting for! The one-on-one finals!" Professor Port proclaimed proudly as the finalist made their way in the center and stood in a line.

And the finalist consist of In the center of the battlefield's stage were Yang Xiao-Long, a musketeer looking guy named Dunstan D'Artagnan, Sun Wukong, Cyan Smith, Dastan Shahrazad, Penny Polendina, Mercury Black, and a still troubled Pyrrha at the other end of the line.

"Barty, why don't you explain the rules?" he said to Dr. Oobleck.

"It's quite simple Peter. Instead of a bracket system, each round of the finals will be randomly determined immediately before the match takes place." Dr. Oobleck proclaimed.

And with that Professor Port went back to speaking. "Much like any good hunt, there will be zero time to prepare."

"Ahh, yes, yes. Now let's see who our first match will be!"

And with that the holographic roulettes began to spin for a few seconds before they settle on Mercury and Yang.

"Yang Xiao-Long and Mercury Black!" Professor Port exclaimed.

"Break a leg sis!" Ruby exclaimed.

Damian smiled and rolls his eyes in amusement, but he blinks in confusion when he looked passed his beloved and saw that Cinder was leaving.

He lightly elbows Ruby and gestures to the woman, "Where is she going? Mercury is about to fight." Ruby stated.

Hearing her partners statement, Weiss looks at the couple before looking at Cinder. "Maybe something happened. She'll probably be right back." She stated.

Both Ruby and Damian looked at each other before sighing and went back to watching the fight that was about to commence in a few moments.

"Would all other combatants please leave the stage!" Professor Port proclaimed.

And with that both Yang and Mercury take a few steps forward as the stage changed but instead of being an part of a different terrain, the middle platform that they are on raised a few inches off the floor while a circular truss with floodlights attached it also rose from the ground and is now right above them.

"You better not go easy on me." Yang stated.

Mercury scoffed, "You wish."

The two combatants then look at the crowd one more time before they got into a fighting stance and slowly got closer to each other.

"! Fight!"

Immediately, Yang throws a punch, and Mercury spins his foot to meet it, creating a shockwave between the weapons that launches him back.

Mercury then rushes in, and attempts to kick her, but Yang leaps over him and attempts to land a shot with Ember Celica.

But Mercury countered it and for the next few seconds the two were fighting hand to hand, but Yang got the upper hand when she managed to land a fiery blast to his chest which pushed him back.

But because of the close proximity Yang was pushed back as well but she managed to get back on her feet and Mercury manages to do the same as he flips backwards in order get farther away from her.

And once he was back on his feet he looks up at her and smiled.

And without wasting another second, Yang launches multiple blasts at him but Mercury managed to dodge them by using the wind dust stored in his boots to maneuver around the stage until he got close enough and attempted to bring his leg down on her.

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