The wind was picking up and the leaves were falling off the trees.

"It looks like a storm is coming...are you going to be okay?" Snotlout asks (Y/N).

(Y/N) nodded "I should be if I fly the the other way."

As they were trying to find a clearing where (Y/N) can fly. Her headache came back. This time it felt like something was squeezing her brain tightly.

She grabbed her head as she yelled out in pain.

"(Y/N)?! What's wrong?!" Snotlout asked as he reached an arm out.

(Y/N) pupils became tiny slits and claws at Snotlout.

He yelled in pain as there were three long gashes on his arm.

"I--sorry--" (Y/N) muttered out

(Y/N) fell to the ground as she grabs her head and screams out.

"Snotlout, stand back!"

Snotlout looked up in confusion and saw Gobber.

"Gobber?! What are you doing here?!"

Gobber ran up to him and pulled him back away from (Y/N).

"Gothi, told me more about (Y/N)'s curse. That she will turn into a blood thirsty beast."

Snotlout shook his head "That--she shouldn't be turning now! It's after her birthday when she turns."

Gobber nodded as he stares at the screaming girl on the ground "Yes, but she's transitioning and it's trying to take her over."

He lifted up his ax he was holding and ran towards (Y/N).

"Gobber, no!" Snotlout yelled out

(Y/N) looked up with bared teeth and roared at the Viking and flew up at an incredible speed. She quickly looked around and started to fly towards the other way.

"Oh no... she's going to the village." Snotlout muttered.


"Did you tell anyone?!" Snotlout yelled out

"No! I thought I would just be able to just kill her before she transitioned!" Gobber replied

Snotlout and Gobber both ran after her as quickly as they can but they weren't fast enough.

There were screams in the village as there were fire. They saw (Y/N) pick up a barrel and threw it towards some people but luckily, they have dodged it.

There was now thunder and lighting along with screams and cries.

Snotlout tried to run after (Y/N) but she ran off quickly some where else.

Valka ran up to (Y/N), ready to attack her, but (Y/N) just swiped Valka away with her arm and sent Valka flying towards the blacksmiths and she ended up hitting her head on an anvil, knocking her unconscious.

"(Y/N), stop!" Snotlout yelled out, but (Y/N) didn't listen. She couldn't.

Gobber ran past Snotlout and charged at (Y/N), however, she swiped her tail at him and he was sent flying and he crashed into a hut and was instantly knocked out.

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