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I could feel my blood boiling beneath my skin. Hot and wild, it wasn't painful, it was actually exhilarating. The feeling of my new body taking form was a euphoric type feeling. I felt every nerve down to my fingertips tingle with new life. Last thing I remember was Tae's teeth sinking into me and the acknowledgment of my death clear in my mind.

But I had never felt more alive than I do right now.

Even with my blood boiling within me, the electric charge within me jerked me awake, and my eyes shot wide open.

Disoriented at first it didn't take long for my vision to focus and my body to find its balance. I leaned up and saw that Taehyung was sitting in the chair in the corner of the room. He was chewing on his thumbnail, and his eyes were piercing through my own watching my every move. He didn't say anything, not a single word. In truth, he looked nervous, and I could hear he was breathing heavily.

Another deep feeling overcame me at the sight of him. The feeling was clear, and strong; A primal force overtaking me. All I could focus on what him. Taehyung and his hands touching me, his lips kissing me. I jumped off the bed, my gaze still burning into him as I quickly made my way to him. I didn't hesitate to climb into his lap and settling myself over each of his thighs.

His hands rested on my thighs as each of mine rested on his chest. I let my eyes rake over his form, moving my hands to run up the surface of his chest. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back, his fingers flexing against my thighs. A slight groan left his lips which made my core clench at the arousing sound. I continued over his shoulders and up his neck until my fingers tangled into his silky strands, taking a firm grip.

I jerked his head a bit, making his eye open to meet mine again, only this time in a hard stare. I smiled at him and leaned my face close to his whispering against his lips.

"Do you still want me?" I asked him. I immediate felt his dick harden, and his hands moved from my thighs to my waist taking a tight grip. He went to move but I kept him pinned to the chair not letting my legs un wind from around him.

"Baby..." He breathed.

"Answer me."

"Yes, I still want you." He said with his eyes searching mine. A wide grin slowly spread across my face, and I grinded myself into his lap, making him grunt. He was clearly aroused but there was worry still in his eyes.

This is fun.

"I can tell." I said him, ghosting my lips over his mouth and down his neck. I felt him throb slightly, and his grip on me tightened even more. But it didn't hurt. In fact, it felt really damn good to feel him hold on to me so tightly and my body not break or bruise. I felt something in my mouth shift, and I ran my tongue along my teeth, feeling my canines sharpen. I continued to run my lips across the expansion of his neck, just barely touching him. "What would happen if I bit you?" I asked him.

I felt him swallow thickly before he replied. "The venom wouldn't hurt me."

"No?" I asked, now placing a kiss at the base of his neck. "Would it do anything at all?"

"It will make my dick harden." He said, pulling me closer to him.

I wiggled and laughed at the grunt he let out. "But you're already hard." I whispered in his ear, tracing my tongue in circles under his ear.

"It will act like Viagra." He breathed as I started to circle my hips around him. "But it depends on how much you inject."

"Will it kill you?"

"No." He shook his head.

"Hmmmm." I hummed into him kissing his neck again. "Do you want me to bite you?"

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