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A month had passed, and honestly it felt like a day. Jin was helping me with my music and he was actually a damn good teacher. He was able to help me grip and hold the guitar properly, and boy did it make a difference. My body felt comfortable, and almost natural with the guitar in my hands.

I had been working on a song in secret. Well, in front of Tae. Despite his opinion that being alone with his brother was not a good idea, he didn't put up too much of a fight about it.

"I'm going to surprise Jin today!" I said as he stayed laid down on the bed as I got dressed.

"Joy." He sarcastically replied.

I let out a sigh. "I don't understand you."

"What?" he grumbled, rubbing his face with his hands. He was still waking up.

"If I can forgive him and move on, you should be able to, too."

"You barely know him." He snapped. "I have enough grievances with him to last a life time." 

"Then why don't you ever talk about it?" I asked him. This being the only hot topic between us, it really wasn't my intention to start a fight, I just wish I understood.

"Relieving the shit Jin did to me, just to explain them to you, is not on my list of things I want to do. Can you just accept that I have my reasons?" He asked, exasperated.

I pulled the dress he had gifted me over my head and adjusted the top to fit properly. I sighed before looking over at him, this time his head resting on the palm of his hand as he looked away from me. His eyes seemed a little angry, and a sudden pang of guilt overtook me.

Kneeling onto the bed, I climbed on top of him, making him turn to look at me, and his hands to fall on my hips. With my legs on each side of him, I felt his thumbs move in small, soft circles which made me smile. I leaned down, keeping my hands on each side of his head and places a gentle kiss on his bare chest. "I'm sorry." I spoke. "I didn't mean to upset you."

"I know." He said, breathing out again as I kissed up his neck. "There are just things you don't know, nor need to know. It's between him and I."

"Okay." I said into his neck. I could accept that. I didn't have to like it, but I accept it.

"Thank you."

"Of course." I said as I pulled my arms down and wrapped them around the back of his head. His hands moved up my back and one dug into the roots of my hair as he held me tightly to him.

"Do you really have to go today?"

"Do you have another reason for me to stay?"

"I could make up a few."

I chuckled into his neck, kissing him a few times softly. "Do you want to hear the song I have been working on?"

He laughed. "That's not what I was talking about."

"I know it wasn't" I laughed back. "But you cant fuck me into submission. Not anymore."

"Is that a challenge?"

"No." I said pulling my head up and looking at him. "But as tempting as you trying is, I'm really excited to show Jin that I'm able to play a whole song on my own without needing help."

"You are so determined." He smiled. "I love that about you."

"And you are so supportive. I love that about you."

"Well, I don't like that you're spending so much time with him."

"I know."

"It takes your time away from me."

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