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"I like you." I said, stepping into the elevator with him.

Yoongi knew exactly where he was going. He knew what floor her offer was on, and he also knew there would be very little activity since it was a holiday.

"How do you know she is here?" I asked, knowing the point of this trip.

"You said yourself that she never did anything for herself, or would find someone to boss around the way she did you. So you really think she went home on a long weekend?"

I shrugged as I made my way down the hallways. They seemed familiar, but I couldn't quite remember. I just...knew where I was going. We continued to maneuver through the office, not a person in sight. When I turned the corner I could feel her talking on the phone.

"...I just need a little more time is all...I promise the quality is not any less than it has been but there is just too much for one person to do by the deadline you gave me...I am doing it on my own of course...well...well yes I have done it on my own before but...yes ma'am...yes...okay...thank you."

Just as she finished talking, I gained visual of her sitting at her desk with her face in her hands. I couldn't tell if she was crying or not but I didn't give a shit. I leaned against the door watching her mumble to herself before I couldn't take it anymore.

"Stressed?" I asked, making her head fly up.

I saw the red flash over her eyes and she stood to her feet as she regarded me.

"Where the FUCK have you been. Do you have any idea the bullshit you have put me selfish..."

"Selfish?" I interrupted taking confident steps towards her. I saw her eyes flash to Yoongi following me, but I didn't give her an option to ask about him. "You are the selfish cunt here you narcissistic bitch. You had me working every night, for hours. Over time, no time to have a life what so ever. You took credit for my hard work and spoke to me as if I was the scum of the earth!"

"I gave you an opportunity to work for this company. You should be honored that I kept you around so long." She spat back.

"Honored? You should be fucking lucky that I stuck by you for as long as I did. You would not have been successful had it not been for me."

For some reason this felt so good. I didn't realize I had this much feeling about how I was treated when I was human. Like I was my own guardian angel. Fallen angel.

She was breathing heavily through her noes and I could tell that she was struggling with a few thoughts.

"Well...if you have returned to ask for your job will have to take a pay cut. You have caused way too much strife for me in your absence and I don't reward that behavior."

I scoffed out a laugh as I made it to her desk. But then I smelled her. I smelled the blood that was pulsing through her veins at an alarming rate. My mouth started to salivate, and in my silence, she only grew more impatient. She looked up and locked eyes with me, and I could see the nerves she was hiding, but I had no sympathy for her.

I heard Yoongi clear his throat from behind me, making me smile.

"Who is this?" She asked me. "Is this your boyfriend, you know you don't have time for a boyfriend in this life style."

"Is that why you don't have a date this evening? It's Valentines weekend isnt it?" I asked her as I sat on her desk. I knew it would annoy her and she sat back down at her desk and leaned back in her chair.

"How dare you!" she let out. "This disrespect is not going to fly and you fucking know it!"

"Oh, I fucking know it." I laughed, now crawling over her desk, slowly, tauntingly towards her. "You need me." I said, in a sickeningly sweet voice. Her eyes went wide but she didn't move, my smirk never leaving my face. "You need me to make your life easier, to meet your deadlines." I said as I took hold of her chair and pulled her closer to me. "Don't you?"

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