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It's true when they say you lose time as a vampire. It's no longer the same. Yes we sleep, but not on a schedule like humans do. As far as I was concerned time had no meaning. I continued my days as Taehyung's mate, and I was officially announced as part of their clan.

Apparently, there is paperwork they have to fill out so that the government knows who belongs where. That is we want to continue to do business and buy blood bags from the hospitals in the area.


My friendship with Jimin grew. He hung out with Taehyung and I frequently, and I always enjoyed my time with them. We laughed constantly, and I was able to banter back and forth with him. I felt as if I had a brother in my life, and I enjoyed spending time with him.

Hoseok and Yoongi were occasionally around. Yoongi and I had a bond of sorts, as he was responsible of my revenge. However, as the days, weeks, months went by I lost sight of what that revenge was. Nonetheless, the bond was there. Hoseok would keep me educated on the history of our kind, and how our bodies worked. It was interesting information that was for sure. Self healing, and venom that could kill someone or get them high was a strange reality to accept.

Jungkook was around often. Always sleeping or drinking something out of a straw. He kept to himself for the most part. I was told how his friendship with Taehyung changed dramatically when he mated with his brother and Namjoon.

Namjoon was decent enough of a person. Once I was officially part of the clan his scary nature didn't seem so scary. He's a vampire, what could I expect?

Then there was Jin. The distance between Jin and I was thick. Like suffocating in water, the distaste between us was unignorable. The entire clan was smothered into the rivalry that became Jin and I. Honestly, I don't even remember what happened. I know what he did. Taehyung reminded me of it, and yeah it was a shitty thing to do. But I wasn't upset by it anymore, nor was I afraid of Jin.

But Jin would have nothing to do with me. Even when we were all together, he wouldn't engage with me, he wouldn't even look at me for longer than a second. The entire clan could see the interactions between us. His dislike for me was intense, and my dislike for him for being an ass matched the intensity.

I tried to ignore it but it was something that weighed on my mind and I frequently thought about.

I also started practicing the guitar. It had been several months since Jimin gave me the guitar I had, and I was sitting up in the music room, going over chords. My fingers for some reason could not keep up with the rhythm of any song I tried to practice, and it had been weeks since I started practicing.

Frustrated, I let out a verbal annoyance.

"Ahhhurg!!" I exhaled. "I thought we were supposed to be good at everything!"

I let out another deep sigh before closing my eyes and tried to push the frustration out of my mind.

"You're holding the neck of the guitar too tightly." I heard come from the doorway. When I opened my eyes, I saw Jin leaning against the frame, his expression unreadable. I was a little surprised by his presence. "Loosen your grip on the neck, that way your fingers are able to move more freely when they need to."

"Thanks." I said, doing as he asked. I looked down at the neck, thinking that I was loosening my grip, but apparently not.

I heard a exasperated sigh and looked up to see Jin walking toward me. When he reached me he took my hand, pulling it off the neck of the guitar and shaking it.

"Stop flexing." He said. "Let your hand go completely limp and keep it that way." Once again, I did as he said, and once my hand was limp, he placed it back where it was. "Now just curl your fingers so that you have a hold of the neck, but don't grip hard." I did. "Now try."

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