Chapter 2

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I woke up with a start. I had fallen asleep on my chair, with a book in my lap instead of my bed. Dammit... I'm going to have to deal with neck pains now.. But, what woke me up? I looked around and then heard something move in the adjacent room. "Who's there?" I called out, trying not to let my voice shake. If it's a demon, then it's best not to show fear... Wait a minute. Everything that happened last night hit me, and I remembered who was in there. That guy. "Oh-Uhm. You awake?" I got up, cricked my neck and began cautiously walking towards the door. I opened it, and I found him sitting up on the bed, setting an empty glass down on the end table-he must've drunk the water I left him. He looked up at me, startled. I noticed that some of his long hair was draped over his shoulders, tied up near the end with a red ribbon that had a bell attached-the small part that made it ring must've been removed, though, as it didn't make any noise when he jolted and looked up at me. "Hello, are you feeling any better?" I asked. "I-who-thank you for helping me...?" he stammered, startled. Most people were afraid of demihumans, so that was to be an expected reaction-and he might not even remember coming here. "What's your name? Do you remember anything? Where did you come from?" "My name's Soleil...I remember how I came here and everything, don't worry. I'm not an amnesiac." I noticed that he avoided the last question, but didn't press it. His voice was still hoarse. "....Would you like some more water?" "I'm fine, thanks. My voice is always a bit hoarse-it's normal for me. Don't worry." 

We stood in silence for a bit, and then he laid back down on the bed. "Is it fine if I stay here for a couple more days? If need be I can leave now." "It's fine, Soleil. You can stay here for as long as you need." He smiled slightly. "Thank you, miss...?" He has a bit of an accent-it sounds like he's Waixean. I've seen quite a few come by here-the country of Waix is pretty close by Aricto, if I remember correctly. I turned to look at him. "Riki. My name's Riki." "Thank you for helping me, Riki. I'll be on my way soon." He rolled over onto his side, facing away from her, and pulled up the covers. 

I turned and walked away-I don't want to leave someone who is essentially a stranger alone in my home, so I'm not going to sell my wood today. I still have enough food for another week or so, and Soleil won't stay here for long.

I feel like I've heard that name before. Hm. He could be someone famous or something, but I wouldn't know- I don't pick up newspapers even when I go to market, and I don't get it delivered to me. I'm barely even aware of what's happening in Aricto, much less other countries. Well, even if he is, it won't really matter. I'll stay out of his business. I don't think I'll ask about how he got so hurt, either-it's probably personal.  


Then something happened that changed my life for the worse forever.


Obligatory link to the webcomic of this:

Hollow-Hearted LifeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora