Chapter 8

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"...And there was absolutely no reason for you to let them go!" I shouted at RM. He was simply staring at me, those pupiless eyes of his refusing to betray any emotion. "You couldve just killed them both in seconds! Why'd you just leave it to the woods? Hell, they're probably both still aliv-" "He is alive." He spoke in that gravelly, deep voice of his. "I know he is. I'm unsure about that girl though. I have no connections to her, and thus cannot sense he-" "Also, why the hell did you say that to her?!" I continued to shout. Any other person would be terrified to yell at a creature such as him, especially if they knew what he was, but I'm not. He is in debt to me, and will most likely not kill me. 

We had stopped in the woods after leaving the burning house, as well as RM's supposed target, behind. There was a small fire set up, with me and RM on opposite sides.

"Sho-" "The hell did that even mean?"
He just kept on staring. "'You should not exist,'" I imitated his voice. "The hell? Nothing seemed wrong with her-she had every right to exist, just as we do!" The wind blew through the trees around us, and he continued to remain silent. Maybe something like him would have a different perspective, but I don't care. "Your actions are beyond unclear," I continued. "I expected more from a death god."

Now he just blinked-I don't think he actually gave a shit about anything I was saying, though, and just blinked because he needed to. I expected him to at least give me a clear goal of what he wished to do when I brought him back, but he's not even clear as to why he's chasing the goal I barely know of. "You say that as if there is more than one death god. Which, there isn't." "You know that's NOT what I meant, RM-" "So you just made a grammatical error then?" He's being a smartass again-a sure sign that he's not going to tell me why he just let them go any time soon. "Argh!" I cried. "You're impossible-" My ears twitched as I heard rustling behind us, and I caught the scent of a demon. RM seemed to notice the presence of a demon as well, as his head perked up ever so slightly-however, his expression was still impassive. I quickly turned to look behind us. There were some bushes here and there amongst the trees, and out of one of these bushes came the demon. It was relatively small, no bigger than the bushes it came out of. It appeared to have originally been a pig, possibly a domesticated one, but not anymore.  Its' legs did not end in hooves, but in grabby little sharp claws, and it had four eyes, two on either side of its head. It looked up at us, snuffling and snorting, almost sounding like a normal pig.   

Then, It screeched at the top of its lungs, and crouched down, ready to charge at us

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Then, It screeched at the top of its lungs, and crouched down, ready to charge at us. "A-A demon!" I cried. Of course, I was stating the obvious, but you don't tend to form the greatest sentences when scared out of your mind. "RM-take care of this!" While I may be a Healer Magi, and a demihuman at that, I wasn't about to fight this thing. I started to shift into my wolf form anyways, in case I got attacked and RM didn't do anything-but only partially, as I still wanted to remain bipedal. "...Look at it, Sho. It's tiny. You could take care of it-even a normal human could."

Jackass. I went up to him and grabbed onto his arm, his long, dark hair brushing against my face-just as a more physical message that I still wanted him to take care of this new problem. He sighed in the most disappointed tone I've ever heard from a man, and shrugged me off to approach the demon. It screeched at him, and leapt-and then RM's hand suddenly changed form. 
It went from being a bony human hand wearing a dark grey glove to a monstrous clawed hand-it ripped apart the glove once it appeared, and was covered in tough-looking scales with a warm grey coloring. The claws were completely black, and the hand was now four-fingered. He gripped the demon with astonishing speed, the hand wrapping around its neck, and he began to squeeze it. The demon started struggling, clawing at the scaled arm, but to no avail-it didn't even leave a mark. RM kept on squeezing it, then...

The pig's head exploded.

Blood splattered everywhere. 

Squeezing the neck of a creature so hard that its' head exploded was a feat very well within the realm of possibility for RM, and tonight he has demonstrated that. I stood there stupidly, unable to speak in my shock. "Well?" He growled, turning his head to look at me and grinning. It was an empty grin, with no joy or amusement behind it-scratch that, he could very well be amused at my shocked face. He may be a god or whatever, but he's kind of an ass."I did just as you asked, Sho." His hand shifted back to its human disguise, though lacking the destroyed clothing. It was as pale as the rest of him and very bony, with sharp black nails at his fingertips. He casually walked back to his original spot, and sat down-I shifted back to my (mostly) human form, and walked over to sit down next to him, feeling uneasy. I didn't want to be sitting alone right after a demon came by-besides, the demon's headless corpse and splattered blood was pretty close to where I was originally sitting. Some had gotten over to where RM was (and on him, too), but not nearly as much. He could very well take a fully human form if he wanted to-get rid of the horns, the tail, the 6 eyes-but for whatever reason, he just 'didn't feel like it'. He makes no sense-I was starting to question why I even brought him back in the first place, but after seeing that display of power, my hope in him has been boosted once more. Maybe his goals and mine will collide.

"What are you even planning on doing, by the way?" I asked him. He turned his head to look at me slightly. "I know you wanted to kill Soleil, and I think I can theorize why-but why'd you just leave him to the forest like that? It's not guaranteed that he'll die there, especially with a Demihuman with him and with him being what he is." "I thought of something else I could do with him, but it's simply an idea. We're heading back to Waix, though, starting tomorrow." "Why?! We were just there!" Waix is the desert country to the south of Aricto-it's one of the largest powers on the continent, other than Emrylia. It's where Soleil should be ruling, but I have absolutely no idea what the hell is happening down there now that he's gone.

"I'm returning for Taiyou. I gave him a simple task and he failed. Now, he must be punished for failing that task." The king's brother? I wasn't even aware of him and RM even interacting with each other. At this point, however, I feel like I'm just along for the ride.
"But what's your ultimate goal, RM?" "To kill the Dragon Vessels-those humans who just so happen to carry the souls of my siblings." So my theory was correct. "And what are you going to do after they're all dead? There's only three-no, four-three and a half?" One of them's in a pretty... unique situation, but still. "What're you gonna do afterwards, RM?" "..." He went silent for a moment before replying. "I can't tell you that yet, Sho. You'll learn of it eventually."



This chapter turned out to be rather long-sorry about that.

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