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" play with fire "

Eyes that stare at a colorless ceiling. A heart that won't stop its constant beating, killing the silence every passing second. A wish, to drift away from the hell that is reality; a wish, to simply sleep. Sleep, which almost as an anonymous dark individual, stood there, looming over the girl and mocking her.


With a huff, Aurora pulled the poorly knitted blanket all the way up to her chin and rolled towards the darker side of the room, forgetting all about the heavy book that she had left open on top of her legs, which, soon after, fell to the ground with a thud, startling her.

Another huff, as she officially decided she was not going to get even a splinter of sleep. Getting up from the bed, her eyes stuck on the open yellowing pages with loathing; the myth of Pandora, told in black, bold letters looked back at her, and the mere thought of it caused her heart to drop right into the pit of her stomach.

"You, dear, are evil."

The words echoed, vibrated, and boomed inside her head at full volume; and they were dripping with poison - slow, burning poison that ran through her veins, making them boil with anger and confusion. And it reached her trembling fingertips, and as she glanced at the dirty mirror in front of her she cowered at what she saw - or, rather, didn't - sheer emptiness. She couldn't see herself, or anything of the girl she had grown to be; and she stared in fear, pondering for too long on her doubts; was this who she really was now?

"Pure, utter, evil."

Then, of course, came to mind everything Castiel had revealed to her; and just as quickly as it reached her knowledge, she found herself surrounded by hostility, and she couldn't but look at the situation with hatred - a feeling she usually preferred to stay away from. With things being as they were, though, ignoring her feelings was no longer a choice.

"You what?"

She soon focused her attention on the muffled voices coming from the other room; she could perfectly recognize them, and she knew for a fact they were talking about her. Obviously, with the truth out in the open for only hours, she was still a delicate subject. What could happen, anytime, was on everyone's mind, even though no one would talk about it - not in the girl's presence.

Human fragility has its own way - it creeps up on you slowly, when least expected; to Aurora it felt like being stuck between four walls, all eyes on her, judging and pitiful. Sadly, no one was there to assure her someone would stay by her side; she could see no reason anyone would, not when she could turn out to be this unknown, frightening thing, at any time. And the thought scared her, for she didn't really want to go through any of this alone, and, frankly, she didn't know if she could.

When everything had quieted down, she decided to join her friends and get through the day, just like always. After all, what had really changed? She was still herself, and no matter how much she doubted it, it was true. Sam and Dean were very much determined to do what they always did, and they didn't for one second think to give up on the girl. They were always going to be there for her.

"Mornin' kid." Dean greeted, sending a half worried glance her way.

"Is it?" she muttered with a discreet yawn, pouring herself an all too essential cup of coffee and making her way where the two brothers were sat. Castiel was there, too, but he kept his distance.

𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐜𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐮𝐦, supernaturalWhere stories live. Discover now