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" back in black "

She had committed her fair share of felonies - all of which were, of course, justified - but stealing a car? No; she never had to, nor had she ever wanted to. There was a time when her own automobile was her partner in crime and sole companion, but that hadn't been the case for a while now. Bad times.

Small footsteps carried her towards the parking lot as she tightly clutched to her bag. A faint voice in her head tried to convince her against it, thinking about the poor bastard who'd be going insane looking for the lost vehicle, but she'd be damned if she was going to hitchhike and walk for the rest of her hunting trips.

Trying to pick a favorite, her eyes easily landed on one she could've sworn she had seen before, but couldn't really pinpoint where, or when. The black car shone under the dull sun and its classic, distinctive look made it stand out from all the rest, silently cheering 'take me, take me!'.

If she was going to steal, she might've as well done it with style. Biting her lip and regretfully looking around, she got closer to the car and, once she was on the left side of it, started working on getting it unlocked. It didn't take her long; she had seen people doing it before and, well, she was a quick learner.

After taking another quick glance around her, she slipped into the car and closed the door. Comfortable, spacious, stylish, didn't smell too bad; what more could she ask for? She took a deep, worried breath, but before getting to the hard part - getting the engine started, that is - she couldn't resist the urge to study the car a bit further.

The feeling that she had been in there before, that, for some odd reason, something had pushed her to steal this car specifically meandered inside her mind, and she was having trouble deciding whether she should've treated it just as some silly déjà-vu or something more.

Blatantly ignoring the fact that she was, in fact, inside a car that she was inclined to steal, and that its actual owner could've come back to it any time now, she let curiosity get the best of her and took a moment to inspect her surroundings, perhaps searching for a clue, a sign that would bring some sort of memory to the surface.

Not much stood out, except for the cooler that was placed in the backseat; turning her body so as to be able to open the lid and peep in, she pleasantly saw that it was filled with beer - and a couple of what seemed to be smoothies - which, at the moment, sounded like the perfect partner for the night she was going to spend alone, in some crappy motel.

But the thing that casually caught her eye next, that's what truly sparked her interest: four letters were messily carved on the side of the door. As if something clicked inside her mind, she stumbled her way in the backseat to take a closer look at the carvings.

Her attention was soon disrupted when she started hearing voices nearby; carefully looking out of the window, she caught a glimpse of two men walking towards the car. Their car. The car she was in.

Before she could even have the time to properly panic, never mind to come up with an escape plan, the two had reached the car and were now just outside, supposedly bickering about something. She curled up, trying to make herself as small as possible, and pressed herself to the leather of the front seats, somehow thinking that would have the power to make her invisible.

Her heart beat faster and faster as she nervously anticipated the sound of the doors opening; before that could happen, however, her eyes landed once more on the letters carved on the door, which gave her some sort of comfort.

But it wasn't until the men entered the car and she got the chance to actually hear their voices that she realized where she was and who they were.

𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐜𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐮𝐦, supernaturalWhere stories live. Discover now