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" do you want to know a secret "

Oh, to be a hunter. The beliefs have always been clear - hunters are foul, hunters are shabby, hunters are old drunks, hunters are apes. Life on the road is dirty, and so are motel room beds, out of date flannels and the inevitable bloody shirts. But that is not what it's all about. It's never been about the way hunters live their lives, it's about the burden they carry on their shoulders, every single day. It's about the things they've been through, and the things they continue to go through, it's about all the crap they know and the single things that move them forward, that get them through the day. Because, life as a hunter? It ain't child's play.

"You guys stopped the freaking apocalypse?!" Aurora spoke as she walked into the run-down cabin, the breakfast she had picked up for the three of them in one hand, a certain book in the other.

Dean, comfortably sprawled on the sofa, furrowed his brows before his features turned into a serious expression as he swallowed, "Where'd you get that?"

"A book store...where they sell books." the girl told him, matter-of-factly, "Who's this Edlund guy?"

"Long story."

"Well, please do accept this fresh, delicious breakfast as a gesture of gratitude for saving everyone's bacon."

Earning a chuckle from Sam and a very much pleased grin from Dean, who didn't hesitate to shove his hands into the bag filled with all sorts of mouth watering foods, Aurora stepped further into the little house and towards the kitchen, intent on fixing herself a warm cup of coffee.

She would say she felt blissful. Nothing particularly out of the ordinary had happened, not lately; but she could just feel it, this new feeling of joy, this new constant thrill that soaked her whole every time she looked around her and reminded herself that all of it was actually happening. She was no longer alone, not this time. Rather, the only thing she could truly sense, in the given moment, was the warmth of a family.

Whilst she was distracted by her thoughts, the rich aroma of the recently brewed coffee whirled all around her, calling to mind forgotten mornings spent in her old house, when she would scrunch up her nose at the smell of coffee, which was exclusively consumed by her father, as she and her younger brother would stuff their faces with sweet cereal dipped in milk; she smiled at the memory - oh, how she missed her brother's light-hearted laughter.

The stillness of the day was however disturbed sooner than Aurora would've liked, as she was jerked out of her reverie. Turning around, she found herself face to face with a short man, all clothed in black, apart from a decorative tie, bringing a smug demeanor along with his presence. The grip she held on the brimming mug in her hands suddenly softened, causing the stained white ceramic to fall and shatter into hundreds of pieces and the dark liquid to splatter right at her feet; the air caught in her throat as she cursed herself for having decided against carrying her usual weapon, that morning. So she was now defenseless, against a potential enemy.

"Well, we finally meet."

"Who are you?" she spoke through gritted teeth, looking behind the man to make sure the two brothers were aware of the company, only for confusion to arise when realizing they weren't taking action.

"The name's Crowley, love. King of hell." he introduced himself, extending a hand for the girl to shake, which she didn't even consider.

𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐜𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐮𝐦, supernaturalWhere stories live. Discover now