New School, New Friends

Start from the beginning

"It's faster than other original bikes and motorcycles. Oh, and watch this!" Jamie threw one of the discs off her bike and as it spins in mid-air. But what made Autumn interested is when the disc came back towards them and latched itself to Jamie's glove without damaging her arm.

"Oh. My. God! It's so cool!!!" Autumn stared in amaze.

"Thanks!" Jamie smirked as she settled her disc onto her bike again and took off her gears, showing that she was wearing a pair of dark jeans, and a black n white striped hoodie. She also wore black Nikes.

The school bell rang loudly, which means the teacher had just arrived.

A fat looking lady who was the teacher, walked in wearing a big puffy dress and enormous high-heels. Everyone sat down on their couple desks and greeted to the teacher.

"Good morning, Mrs. Gunderson!"

"Good morning, my little bedbugs!" Mrs. Gunderson greeted back, smiling. "Today, we have a new student from Burgess!" She gestured Autumn to introduce herself in the front. Autumn saw Mrs. Gunderson gesture to her and she walked out of her seat, towards the teacher.

"Hi, everyone, I'm Autumn Lake. Nice to meet you all..."

The jockeys clapped their hands (to the jockeys, Autumn is really pretty) while the fangirls and CCPs glared at her because of the jockeys clapping to her, you know, jealous?

Ryan Frost was running down the hallways, holding his backpack on his back to prevent it from falling. Once he reached the Robotics classroom, he heard a really pretty voice coming from the class.

"Hi, everyone, I'm Autumn Lake. Nice to meet you all..." The voice said.

Autumn... That's a very beautiful name... No, stop it Ryan! You just met her! Ryan thought.

He stepped inside the classroom, just to get a look at the owner of that beautiful voice and to get a detention from Mrs. Gunderson.

"Mr. Frost! You are utterly late again! I wonder how many hours of detention should I give you?!" Mrs. Gunderson boomed. Ryan heard two girls giggle from the middle-front desk who were actually Jamie Blair and Autumn Lake.

"U-uh, I-I'm sorry Mrs. Gunderson... T-there was a-a traffic, a-and w-we had to v-visit my cousin at the h-hospital." He tried his best to make an excuse and sound serious but failed.

"You stuttered, Frost!" Jamie teased behind her desk.

"N-No I didn't." Ryan denied.

"ENOUGH!!!" Mrs. Gunderson boomed again, making most of the students shocked. She pulled Ryan's collar and glared at him.

"You better make a great invention, or I'll punch you out of here!" Gunderson told him coldly. Ryan gulped and stammered.

"Uh, uh, sure, Ma'am."

The teacher let go of his collar and went back to her desk, still keeping an eye on Ryan as he walked towards an empty desk near the windows.

"Okay, kids, listen up! There are two blueprints each under your desk drawer, you have to draw and make a fantastic Superhero suit on that paper... Then, for the next 2 weeks, you will perform with your suit outside and show the whole class what your suit can do.

"You're gonna be paired up by 3 in each group, but that's only for helping giving ideas to each other... Your suits must be different from your team mates." Gunderson explained the new project, before pausing. "Got that?"

"Yes, Ma'am!" The whole class replied.

"The pairs I'm gonna pair up for this project are; Sarah, Carol and Houston..."

A girl with pink dyed hair and brown eyes gleamed, along with a boy with jet black hair and a girl with long blonde straight hair.

The teacher babbled all of the students' pairs until they came to the final one.

"Jamie, Ryan and Autumn. Class dismissed! You may leave!"

Jamie and Autumn slid out the 2 blueprints and shoved it down in their bags; Jamie's is a mocha-white backpack, and Autumn's is a pink shoulder bag. They both discussed about their suits while walking out of class. Only, Ryan was left behind.

He was rather excited of being paired up with the new girl. Maybe he'd have a chance to know her a lot better. But, he wasn't really pumped up when Jamie's name came out of the teacher's mouth. Ryan knew that that girl was fiery and feisty and so tomboy...

Oh, I don't care... The important thing is that I can hang-out with the new girl! He said in his mind. Ryan quite admitted that Autumn was really pretty...

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