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The next day, Gar was gone for a little and in that time I made a few calls, I call Rachel first

"Rachel, hi." She panics

"Thank god, Dick isn't answering me." I nod

"He's been put in prison, I don't know what's happened exactly."

"I had this nightmare, it was Dick's funeral, then he was their, I saw a place called Elko's diner, then I woke up." I nod

"Okay, I'll try to find out where that's is, give me a call back in an hour."

"Okay." I end the call then I call Donna

"Page! I'm at the tower, what's happened." I sigh

"I'm fine, we're fine. Rachel wants us to meet at Elko Diner, try and find it. I'll be their as soon as possible."

"Okay, see you soon." I nod


Once I had finished making other calls it comes to Jason... I sigh and call him, he answers

"Page?" I sigh

"Jason. I'm not calling you for any other reason. Dick's in prison, I'm calling Bruce soon. Don't bother calling back. I won't answer, just wanted you to be aware." He sighs

"Page, I just-" I stop him

"Don't worry about it, bye." I end the call before he could say anything, I go to brake down but I hold it in and cal Bruce

"Hey." He sighs

"Lovely, can you tell me what's happened with you and Jason, now. And this time, don't end the call on me." I clear my throat

"Jason, didn't want me anymore. He went off with Deathstroke's daughter." He sighs

"Okay, I'll sort him out. What do you need." I lose my voice a bit

"I'm stuck in this place, they know I was an experiment, they made Connor and they've taken Gar somewhere."

"Okay, I'll make a few phone calls. Get yourself out of there." I look at the floor

"Okay." I end the call and make a run for it, I start to fly and people start to yell, other come along and run over start firing, I fly out the window and keep going


I finally made it Neveda, then I see Bruce outside Elko's I fly down

"Bruce, what are you doing here?" He looks at me

"Come in, and you'll find out." I walk in and see, Rachel, Kory, Dawn and Donna, I become shocked

"Bruce, what have you done?" Donna looks at us

"Bruce? Page?" He nods

"I'm so glad you all could make it." I get pissed

"I left my brother in a lab! God knows what their doing to him! For this! He better be okay!" We all sat down and told him everything

"This so troubling news. And no Conner or Gar?" Donna shakes her head

"No. Found bloody paw prints, broken glass... no one shut down the mainframe... Gar wouldn't leave it like that. So, when Rachel called me, I though maybe she knew where they where." I sigh

"As far as I'm aware, Gar and Conner are fine, me and Gar got fucking Tranquillised and Connor went of his own free will to find out what's going on with his DNA." Rachel seemed upset

"I never talked to them." Bruce sighs

"I'm aware of what's happened to all of you, and I'm sorry. Lies can tear a family apart, and you've been living in the aftermath of that, and it's a lonely place to be. But this was a... This is a family of choice. Breaking apart was a choice." I think of Jason and sigh, Bruce continues

"And in the light of this news, I'm asking you to make another one. To come together. Walking away from bad feelings is easy. It's much harder to take the blow and fork back for more, but that's what a family does. If you unite, you can face any threat. But if darkness arrives while you're still cast apart, I truly believe that none of you will survive." Bruce stands up and looks at me

"Page." I nod

"Yeah." He sighs

"You know what Jason is like, better than all of us. I'm not saying forgive him, but just keep in mind. I had never seen anyone do what you have done for him, and him to protect you with his life. That's something worth fighting for." I sigh and nod

"Okay." He looks at all of us

"If you won't protect one another... who will?" He goes to walk off, he turns back takes a donut and walks off, Donna questions

"Did he just leave?" Dawn smiles

"Yep." Kory speaks

"So, let me get this straight. Bruce Wayne somehow miraculously arranged for us all to meet in this diner in the middle of know here to mansplain us into putting the Titans back together?" Dawn puts her coat on

"Yep. I think that's exactly what just happened." I chuckle

"That's Bruce for you." Then theirs static over the TV we walk over theirs a jail report

"Today's top story, two men escaped Kane Jail, apparently aided by imprisoned Detroit police detective Dick Grayson. Full details on his story and more on our next news update." I chuckle

"I new he was in prison, but fucking hell." Donna adds

"You gotta be fucking kidding me." We all leave chasing after Donna, Rachel yells

"Donna, wait!" Kory questions

"Troy, where are you going?" She turns round

"Back to San Francisco." I get annoyed

"No, we need to save Dick!" She looks at us

"Dicks on his own." Rachel gets annoyed

"What is wrong with you?" Donna turns round

"Me? Look, I know Dick Grayson, okay? He put himself up in that cross. Nailed himself to it. He's gonna have to take himself down, too." Dawn nods

"Donna right. What we Dicks doing, he's doing to himself." They both walk off, Rachel yells

"I'm having dreams again. I was at Dicks funeral. Deathstroke killed him. Look... I know that I sound crazy. I know that. But Dick needs my help. And I really need yours. Please." We all look at Donna, she shakes her head

"I'm sorry, Rachel, but Gar needs us more." I jump a bit, Dawn looks at us

"I get why your doing this. I do. But I'm gonna go with Donna. Soon as you're done here, you can come find us, okay?" Rachel nods, Dawn walks off, Rachel sighs

"Dawn." She gets in the car and they drive off, I sigh and look at Kory

"So, I guess you're leaving too?" She shakes her head

"Hell, no. Let's go." I smile,

we take her car and start getting on the round, on the way we come up with a plan, then I text Jason because they wanted me to, telling him to get to the Titans tower, immediately, and turns out so does Donna. It become night and we start the invasion, we used our magic as quietly as possible and started to make our way, then me and Kory open up Dicks cell, we walk in and he's nowhere to be seen, all we see is 'Jericho is alive' carved on the side of the wall, I chuckle

"He found a motive. Let's get home." We got in and Rachel went straight to Gar, so I gave them a minute. But we still had to find Dick

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