My Beginning

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"Page! Page! Please! No!" I try as much as possible to reach out for my mum, two masked people are dragging her away, it was cold and raining, I was being dragged along the floor as I try my best to get go her

"Mother!" One of the masked-men almost gets take down

"You mother fucker! Your going to pay!" He takes out a gun

"No!" The shot gets fired as my mum falls on the pavement.

"Mama! No..." I suddenly feel a pain in my face


It's been 10 years, yea. Ten years in captivity constantly experimented on, but I have had enough. I've been gaining things that I don't understand. It's time to run.

I lay in my bed as the lights go off I wait a few minutes and get up, I put my hands on the bars closing my eyes and looking at my feet, closing my eyes, I let a deep breath out and the gates breaks, I grab it and place it down easily, I look around and run down the right corridor, i run into two guys

"Hey! Get back in your cell Page!" I smirk jumping up kicking them both in the head, landing and taking a gun.

Alarms start to go off I keep running turning sharply round corners to the exit, I run into 5 guys, I shoot them instantly, I close my eyes and I was soon at the exit. That was quick. I put my hand on the door using my power from before and getting out as soon as possible.

I run for miles, for what seems to be hours until I finally come across a house on the outside of a busy city, it was grey and looked like a castle, I wasted too much energy


I wake up squinting, I felt warm. I properly open my eyes to me under a cover and a pillow under my head, it was soft, better then my old bed... But, where am I!? I force myself up looking around then the door opens, I push myself up to the back board pushing my knees into my chest. A boy walks in with black crazy hair, a perfect jaw-line and lush brown eyes, I become startled, he puts his hands up

"Woah, Woah, Woah. Hey, I'm not gonna hurt you." He keeps his hands up and walks towards the bed, he sits at the front

"Do you speak? Do you have a name?" I gulp

"Page." He smiles a bit

"Page...?" I shrug

"They called me, Project 726." He seems shocked

"Your an experiment?" I look at the scars on my legs

"I guess. What's your name then?" He smiles

"Jason Todd." I nod

"Jason..." he nods

"Yea. How long has it been since you actually had a conversation with someone?" I think for a second

"When I first got to the lab. They talked to me about the experiments to make me fear them." He sighs

"I'm glad we found you then, how old where and are you?" I think for a second

"I was five. It's been ten or so years ago so I'm seventeen." He smiles

"Same as me." Then I think of his question

"Wait. What did you mean 'we'" he smiles a little

"Can you keep a secrete?" I nod

"I guess. I only know you." He smiles

"Fair enough." He takes my hands and helps me off the bed

"Follow me." I nod.

I follow him out of the room then to a piano in the middle of the room, he plays three keys and a door behind the clock next to the piano opens, he smiles as I become shocked and as I follow him down I head someone yell

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