He lied

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We brought Jason down and Dick told them the truth about Jericho, that ended up in Hank punching him around the face, and everyone ended up turning on him, then Rose goes to leave Jason stands up

"I'm going with her." I look at him

"What?" Dick speaks

"Jason." He replies

"Look, you don't decide what I do anymore. What anybody does." He walks off, I watch him leave, then Donna and Rachel, followed by Hank and Dawn, I don't listen to anything, I just stare at the wall, hoping he would turn back and get me, but he didn't, then Kory left, I run to my room, I scream

"Fuck!" I trash my room then theirs a knock

"Page?" I look at the door

"What?!" Jason comes in

"I'm sorry." I laugh

"Sorry? That's all you're going to say? That you're sorry! You promised me, Jason! You promised me you would never leave!" He gets closer to me, I move back and out my hand

"No! Don't even bother! I know something happened between you and Rose! I'm not stupid! I just though you would've told me! But no, instead you run off with her! After almost two years! T-two years." I start to break, he sighs

"Page, I'm sorry." I nod

"I don't care, get out of my sight!" He nods and walks off, he closes the door, I scream

"Fuck you!"


Everyone left and within a few days so did Dick, it was me and Gar left, all I done was train all day and help Gar out and bit, it was all to get my mind off almost everyone leaving, it was now day four, I come out to get some breakfast and I see a naked Connor and Gar, I chuckle

"I'm gonna get him some clothes." Gar becomes uncomfortable

"Yeah, yes please." I get him his clothes and and Gar talks to him almost all day, then Gar comes up to me

"We gotta call Bruce." I nod

"Alright, keep Connor busy, I'll call him." He nods

"Okay." I go up to the computer and call Bruce, I keep trying then he answers

"Bruce, it's Page." I hear him

"Oh, lovely. Finally you call." I sigh

"Dick told me to call you when Connor woke up, he was made in a lab, mixed with Superman's DNA and Lex Luther." Bruce adds

"And let me guess. Dick wants to see if I can get in contact with him." I nod

"Yeah." He sighs

"Answer me this first. What's happened between you and Jason?" I end the call instantly, I sigh

"Sorry, Bruce. Not today."


We ended up taking Connor out and teaching him to be the part of being a hero. Then Connor asks what me and Gar can do, Gar laugh

"It's-its not a bit deal." I nudge him

"Oh, come on, Gar." Connor questions

"Can you show me?" I laugh

"Not best Me or Gar use our powers now." Gar nods

"Now is not the best time." Connor keeps trying

"Well can you tell me?" Gar nods

"Yeah, yeah, it's... it's kinda weird. But... I can turn into a Tiger." Connor laughs

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