New Magic

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It's been a few weeks, maybe months, Bruce has been away so me and Jason have been up to no good, as per. We decided to get the motorbike out, we play some heavy music and line the bike up and go for a ride around the house, we both put helmets on, I wrap my arms around Jason's waist, he rams the engine

"Hold on." I laugh

"Let's go!" He rams the engine we lift up, we fly through the front room, Jason skids it

"Shit! Jason calls as we falls down the stairs, I laugh and he sits up

"That was sick." We both half-five each other and stand up

"That was awesome!" Jason smiles

"More like epic." We dust ourselves off

"Don't tell me." We looks up to a girl and a boy

"Your Jason Todd." He girl speaks

"And Page Logan." I raise my eyebrow, as me and Jason take our helmets off

"What's it to you?" Jason looks at me then them

"Yeah, and who the hell are you?" The girl speaks

"I'm Dawn Granger. This is Hank Hall. Rachel sent us to find you." I look at Jason

"I told you their was something up about her." he sighs and gives me £10 I laugh

"I should've put £20." He rolls his eyes smiling, Jason looks at them

"And what does this have to do with us?" Hank it's kinda sarcie

"Our hunch is she needs the guy you work for and not you." Jason defends Bruce

"I don't know what the hell you're talking about." Dawn speaks

"Relax, Killer. I'm Dove." I laugh

"Bird Trio." She laughs

"This is Hawk." I smile and wave my arms up

"Even better!" She smiles

"We're friends of Dick Grayson." Jason puts his hands in his pockets

"What kind of friends?" I tap him, he shrugs

"The kind that know about the big, scary cave downstairs." I laugh then he puts his thumb and index together putting them on his eyes

"Does that ring a bell? You what me to make bird sounds, too?" I sigh, Jason chuckles a little and goes to walk up so I follow

"Titans." Hank looks at us

"Just tell us where you dad is at, kids." I laugh sarcastically

"One, I'm not his daughter, I'm Eagle, Jason's other half. And the bats out." Jason adds as we go up the stairs

"Bruce us halfway across the world with the rest of the Justice League. Alfred, too. We got this place all to ourselves." Dawn nods

"Clearly." Jason leans agents the banner

"Hey, look. Whatever you need Bruce for, if Dick needs help, I'm your guy. I mean, one Robin saving another?" I roll my eyes as he chuckles a bit

"I'll never let him hear the end of it." Dawn smiles

"Your the new Robin?" He nods

"Present and accounted for, babe." I hit Jason's arm a bit he rubs it, Hank almost falls back laughing, Dawn raises her eyebrow

"Babe?" Jason smirks as Hank looks at us

"What did he just say? And that's a pass on the help from heroes-on-traning-wheels department." Jason smirks a little

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